The plan for the comic book episode was to cover the comic book sales estimates for December 2006.
Or, at least, that was what I thought.
Chuck Satterlee was in the studio for the discussion and we talked a lot about how difficult it can be for small press publishers, particularly ones without a license property to lean on or a name starting with the letter "A".
Chuck had a number of interesting things to say and it was a very enjoyable discussion that lasted well over an hour.
Unfortunately that meant that the Previews part of the episode was a little rushed.
On the upside, I got to sit in on that part of the episode for once which I enjoyed.
We barely discussed any of the sales estimates for December 2006.
While it was a good discussion, it was not the one I had spent time preparing for.
Below are the rough notes I put together in preparation for the podcasts.
I've added linked to the charts for the titles mentioned.
I use these notes as a guide for the podcast be we never cover all of the titles I have in the notes and we frequently discuss many other things that I don't have in my notes.
Top Comics List
Top Comics Breakdown
Top Trades List
Top Trades Breakdown
2006-12 IndexPointValue:
- CBG = ~769.61
- Down about ~173.81 from 2006-11 (~943.42)
- ICv2 = ~769.67
- Up about ~-176.82 from 2006-11 (~946.49)
- Marvel
- Comic book units: 45.08% (3,144,100)
- Comic book dollars: 45.58% ($10,000,573.00)
- DC
- Comic book units: 42.86% (2,989,200)
- Comic book dollars: 41.31% ($9,063,461.00)
- Image
- Comic book units: 3.26% (227,500)
- Comic book dollars: 3.42% ($750,898.00)
- Dark Horse
- Comic book units: 1.93% (135,000)
- Comic book dollars: 1.83% ($403,650.00)
- Dynamic
- Comic book units: 1.60% (111,800)
- Comic book dollars: 1.57% ($346,420.00)
- Top 300 Comics (~6,973,900)
- Down about ~985,600 (-12.38%) from 2006-11 (~7,959,500)
- 0 titles sold over 200,000 copies
- No titles sold over 200,000 copies
- 8 titles sold between 100,000 and 199,999 copies
- 9 titles had more than one new issue released this month
- 52 (4 issues released)
- Anita Blake Vh Guilty Pleasures (2 issues released)
- Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes II (2 issues released)
- Avengers Next (2 issues released)
- Batman (2 issues released)
- Detective Comics (2 issues released)
- Justice League Of America (2 issues released)
- Ninja Scroll (2 issues released)
- Supergirl (2 issues released)
New Items: 79,
Reorder Items: 12,
Total Items: 91
Minimum Cover Price: $2.99,
Average Cover Price: $3.20,
Maximum Cover Price: $5.99
- Rank #4: Astonishing X-Men #19 (~121,300)
- Up about ~3,000 (2.54%) from #18 (~118,300)
- Good solid gain here that has nothing to do with Civil War or any other sales stunt. But, it is the first issue of a new story arc so that probably accounts for some of it.
- Rank #15: Fantastic Four #541 (~84,900)
- Down about ~4,000 (-4.50%) from #540 (~88,900)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 94
Same: 0
More: 17
- This issue was 12 weeks late and only the 8th issue of Fantastic Four for 2006. I'm really curious if the increases from Civil War were offset the publishing delays on the various titles or not.
- Rank #19: Wolverine #49 (~78,800)
- Down about ~21,200 (-21.20%) from #48 (~100,000)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 54
Same: 1
More: 76
- Big post Civil War issue drop�
- Rank #36: Black Panther #23 (~54,800)
- Up about ~7,200 (15.13%) from #22 (~47,600)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 49
Same: 0
More: 17
- Big gains on this issue with the Civil War tie in�
- Rank #38: Ultimate Vision #1 (~53,100)
- Up about ~13,100 (32.75%) from #0 (~40,000)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 1
Same: 0
More: 0
- Huge gains over the zero issue reprints.
- Rank #39: Onslaught Reborn #2 (~52,900)
- Down about ~29,700 (-35.96%) from #1 (~82,600)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 1
- Huge drop here which surprises me. I mean it was hyped as beign a Liefeld book from the get go.
- Rank #42: Incredible Hulk #101 (~47,900)
- Down about ~36,300 (-43.11%) from #100 (~84,200)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 51
Same: 2
More: 63
- Major drop on this from the "magic number" issue #100.
- Rank #47: Newuniversal #1 (~43,200)
- Interesting first issue sales for this. I'm not sure if I'd consider these strong or weak sales.
- Rank #51: Annihilation #5 (~38,200)
- WatchList: Event: Annihilation
- Down about ~1,400 (-3.54%) from #4 (~39,600)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 4
- Rank #54: Fantastic Four End #3 (~36,700)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 1
Same: 0
More: 0
- This is a fun series. I read issues #1 to 4 this past week. Great Alan Davis stuff and should really be selling better than this.
- Rank #69: Anita Blake Vh Guilty Pleasures #3 (~30,600)
- Up about ~23,100 (308.00%) from #2 (~7,500)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 1
Same: 0
More: 1
- Rank #109: Nextwave Agents Of Hate #11 (~22,300)
- Up about ~700 (3.24%) from #10 (~21,600)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 1
Same: 1
More: 7
- This is the only five mainstream Marvel Universe title to see an increase this month. And they cancelled it. Interesting�
- Rank #121: Exiles #89 (~20,700)
- Down about ~10,200 (-33.01%) from #88 (~30,900)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 88
- Major drop on this title. Presumably there will be around 10,000 units show up for this issue next month.
- Rank #126: White Tiger #2 (~19,000)
- Down about ~5,700 (-23.08%) from #1 (~24,700)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 1
- I'm surprised by the size of this drop. This miniseries had a very strong first issue. The question is are people voting with their wallet again this series or just waiting for the trade?
- Rank #192: Anita Blake Vh Guilty Pleasures #2 (~7,500)
- Down about ~34,900 (-82.31%) from #1 (~42,400)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 1
- Strong reorder activity for this series.
New Items: 93,
Reorder Items: 4,
Total Items: 97
Minimum Cover Price: $2.25,
Average Cover Price: $3.04,
Maximum Cover Price: $5.99
- Rank #1: Justice League Of America #4 (~136,700)
- Top selling title for DC
- Down about ~6,600 (-4.61%) from #3 (~143,300)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 1
Same: 0
More: 4
- JLA tops the chart with two issues this month�
- Rank #8: 52 #31 (~100,600)
- WatchList: Event: 52
- Down about ~2,000 (-1.95%) from #30 (~102,600)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 3
Same: 0
More: 30
- Rank #9: 52 #32 (~99,600)
- WatchList: Event: 52
- Down about ~1,000 (-0.99%) from #31 (~100,600)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 2
Same: 0
More: 31
- Rank #10: 52 #33 (~99,400)
- WatchList: Event: 52
- Down about ~200 (-0.20%) from #32 (~99,600)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 1
Same: 0
More: 32
- Rank #12: 52 #34 (~98,400)
- WatchList: Event: 52
- Down about ~1,000 (-1.01%) from #33 (~99,400)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 33
- Rank #21: Batman #660 (~77,000)
- Down about ~13,600 (-15.01%) from #659 (~90,600)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 97
Same: 0
More: 29
- New creative team and a noticable drop in sales. I guess Ostrander/Mandrake aren't as popula as the previous team.
- Rank #27: Batman Confidential #1 (~61,100)
- Not particualrly impressive sales for a new ongoing Batman series.
- Rank #30: Detective Comics #826 (~59,700)
- Up about ~800 (1.36%) from #825 (~58,900)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 113
Same: 0
More: 11
- A small gain by a gain just the same. One of only three issue-to-issue increases for the DC Universe this month.
- Rank #55: Ion #9 (~35,600)
- WatchList: Event: Infinite Crisis Aftermath
- Down about ~900 (-2.47%) from #8 (~36,500)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 8
- Rank #81: Boys #6 (~27,000)
- Up about ~200 (0.75%) from #5 (~26,800)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 2
Same: 0
More: 3
- I really think this could have been a sleeper hit for DC. Too bad they cancelled it. No doubt it will surface at another publisher before too long. The quesiton is how many readers will stick with it.
- Rank #83: Fables #56 (~25,900)
- Up about ~300 (1.17%) from #55 (~25,600)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 50
Same: 1
More: 4
- Fables has been on the upswing since around issue #46. It is a case of slow and steady increases of just a few hundred each issue but is adding up. Issue #46 sold around 24,100 compared to this issue which did 25,900. An increase of 1,800 isn't huge but having a steady upward trend is huge in and of itself.
- Rank #95: Shadowpact #8 (~23,900)
- WatchList: Event: Infinite Crisis Aftermath
- Down about ~1,800 (-7.00%) from #7 (~25,700)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 7
- Rank #96: Manhunter #26 (~23,800)
- WatchList: Cancelled, Extended
- Up about ~8,700 (57.62%) from #25 (~15,100)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 24
Same: 0
More: 1
- Very impressive gains for this extension of the series. The title is still potentially in the Danger Zone for a mainstream DC title. But this seems to indicate that marketing the book helped it considerably.
- This was the big winner this month in terms of the number of unit increase from issue-to-issue.
- Rank #100: Checkmate #9 (~23,400)
- WatchList: Event: Infinite Crisis Aftermath
- Down about ~1,500 (-6.02%) from #8 (~24,900)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 8
- Rank #105: All New Atom #6 (~22,800)
- Down about ~2,800 (-10.94%) from #5 (~25,600)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 5
- Another 11% drop. Hopefully this trend will reverse itself with #7.
- Rank #112: Stormwatch Phd #2 (~21,600)
- Down about ~8,400 (-28.00%) from #1 (~30,000)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 1
- Larger than average second issue drop. Not a great sign for the new Wildstorm universe.
- Rank #148: Red Menace #2 (~14,500)
- Down about ~6,900 (-32.24%) from #1 (~21,400)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 1
- Major drop on this title. Which is a shame since it is a great miniseries.
- Rank #209: Next #6 (~6,500)
- Down about ~500 (-7.14%) from #5 (~7,000)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 5
- While I admire the fact that DC kept publishing this miniseries, I have to imagine that they lost money on it. DC probably only made about $8,000 top on this issue and that had to pay for the cost on the content and printing of it.
- This is by far, the lowest I've ever seen a book set in the mainstream DC Universe go.
New Items: 23,
Reorder Items: 0,
Total Items: 23
Minimum Cover Price: $2.95,
Average Cover Price: $3.32,
Maximum Cover Price: $5.99
- Rank #116: Walking Dead #33 (~21,200)
- WatchList: Robert Kirkman
- Unchanged from #32 (~21,200)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 30
Same: 1
More: 1
- Based on the way Walking Dead and Spawn are trending, Walking Dead could over take Spawn by around late September with around 23,500 units. This is based on the way that sales for the two titles have been trending in 2006 and may or may not be what actually happens. But, as Spawn slowly loses grown each issue as most titles tend to do and Walking Dead either holds steady or goes up with most issues, it seems like sooner or later Walking Dead could be the best selling title for Image.
- Now, to be fair, Spawn got out 12 issues in 2006 while Walking Dead only got out 8. So some of this is just that Spawn is suffering form the standard sales attrition every month while Walking Dead is sheilded from some of that if for no other reason that it doesn't come out as often.
- Rank #153: Invincible #37 (~13,500)
- WatchList: Robert Kirkman
- Unchanged from #36 (~13,500)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 34
Same: 1
More: 1
- Invincible seems to have basically levelled off around 13,500 for the past few issues.
- Rank #219: Cross Bronx #4 (~5,600)
- WatchList: CGS Indie Challenge: July 2006
- Unchanged from #3 (~5,600)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 1
More: 2
- Rank #237: Savage Dragon #131 (~4,700)
- Down about ~2,500 (-34.72%) from #130 (~7,200)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 100
- The shipping lists have this listed as coming out in January so presumably we'll see another 2,000 to 2,500 units for this issue next month.
- Rank #252: Nightly News #2 (~3,900)
- WatchList: CGS Indie Challenge: September 2006
- Down about ~1,700 (-30.36%) from #1 (~5,600)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 1
- This is getting good word of mouth but the second issue sales don't seem to reflect that. I would expect that orders will pick up for future issues as retailers adjust to how the series is doing.
- Rank #92: Star Wars Knights Of Old Republic #11 (~24,400)
- This series started out at 25,200 for #1 but dropped to 21,200 with #2. Since then it has ben steadily climbing back up in sales to the current 24,400.
- The series is written by John Jackson Miller of CBG and Comics Retailer and I'm glad to see that the series is doing fairly well.
- Rank #143: Battlestar Galactica #4 (~15,100)
- Down about ~9,900 (-39.60%) from #3 (~25,000)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 4
Same: 0
More: 3
- This shipped on the last week of the month so we might see another 10,000 or so units in "reorders" next month.
- Rank #156: Battlestar Galactica Zarek #1 (~12,200)
- I'm not entirely sure how this got on the list of December. The first shipping list it appeared on was for 2007-01-03.
- Rank #224: Zombies Eclipse of Undead #2 (~5,300)
- It is hard to tell if this is a shrap second issue drop of it some of the sales slipped into January.
- Rank #234: Rex Mundi #3 (~4,800)
- WatchList: CGS Indie Challenge: June 2006
- Up about ~900 (23.08%) from #18 (~3,900)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 6
Same: 0
More: 13
- Rank #242: Sadhu #4 (~4,500)
- Up about ~100 (2.27%) from #3 (~4,400)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 3
Same: 0
More: 0
- This is two months late but got a small increase in sales.
- Rank #245: Shonen Jump Feb 07 #50 (~4,100)
- We may see some reorder activity on this next month�
- Rank #260: Gumby #2 (~3,300)
- Down about ~1,600 (-32.65%) from #1 (~4,900)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 1
- Big second issue drop on this. Not a good sign.
- Rank #261: Stargate Atlantis Wraithfall #2 (~3,200)
- Down about ~2,300 (-41.82%) from #1 (~5,500)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 1
- This is a huge second issue drop. And given that Stargate Atlantis is a current show on SciFi, I'm very surprised that the series is doing so poorly.
- But, I suspect that Avatar's publishing strategy of doing multiple variant covers for everything isn't helping this series much if at all. Personally, I got so confused by what was new and what was just a variant of previous released material that I finally just gave up on the Stargate comics from Avatar entirely.
- Rank #264: Maintenance #1 (~3,100)
- WatchList: CGS Indie Challenge: October 2006
- Rank #266: Hero Squared Ongoing #4 (~2,900)
- Down about ~200 (-6.45%) from #3 (~3,100)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 3
- With sales like this I have to wonder how much longer Hero Squared Ongoing will be ongoing�
- Rank #284: Ps238 #19 (~2,200)
- Down about ~100 (-4.35%) from #18 (~2,300)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 11
Same: 3
More: 1
- This series seems to be fairly stable at 2,000 to 2,300 units each month. This is a really fun and well done all aged series.
- Rank #286: Killer #2 (~2,200)
- WatchList: CGS Indie Challenge: August 2006
- Rank #288: New Tales of Old Palomar #1 (~2,200)
- According to an article in Comics Buyer's Guide #1625 (Patten: Comics In Action -- Going By the Numbers: Mommy, where do comic-book slaes come from?), Diamond accounted for 93% of the sales for this issue. Another 2% of the sales went through other comic distributor and 5% were order directly from the publisher. What this means is that we can estimate that another 155 or so units that were sold. That puts the total estimates sales at about 2,324 (the unrounded estimate for Diamond was around 2170). So, provided no other comics sold any other units outside of Diamond (which is, of course, a complete absurd assumption), then this comic would have moved up the charts to rank 278 or 279.
- Of course a jump of 8 or 9 ranks wouldn't be completely insignificant. And some of the titles that this comic would jump past include three comics by Archie (Betty #161 ,Betty & Veronica #223 and Sabrina V2 #81) which typically do very well outside of the Diamond sales channel. Three of the the items were reorder activity. That leaves Vault of Michael Allred #3, PS238 #19 and Cavewoman: Jungle Jam #2 as the titles that Tales of Old Palomar might have out sold provided those other comics sold no additional copies than what Diamond reported.
- Of course, if you factor in non-Diamond sales of one title, you really should do that with all of the titles. Otherwise, all it really tells us is that if any one title had more sales it would have ranked better. Gee, go figure. And as we've said in our initial discussion back in CGS episode #95, these estimates only cover the Diamond data. While it would be nice to have more inclusive information there currently is no source for such information. Don't confuse this breakdown of sales with being the way that sales breakdown for all Fantagraphics material. It may or may not be. The article clearly attribute it as being how that particular issue of that particular title did. Considering it to be anything more than that would be reading more into the article than is actually there.
- Rank #294: Damned #3 (~2,100)
- WatchList: CGS Indie Challenge: August 2006
- Down about ~900 (-30.00%) from #1 (~3,000)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
Less: 0
Same: 0
More: 3
- Rank #1: Fables Vol. 8 Wolves (~10,300, Total Known Sales: ~10,300)
- Top selling trade for Image
- No real surprise here. Fables always opens well.
- Rank #2: Fruits Basket Vol. 15 (~7,000, Total Known Sales: ~7,000)
- This is the highest opening numbers for this series. The next best opening volume of this title was v13 with ~6,200.
- And while these are great sales within the direct market, these are also selling outside the direct market at places like mass market bookstores. So the series is probably selling much better than these direct market estimates indicate.
- Rank #3: 100 Bullets Vol. 10 Decayed (~6,700, Total Known Sales: ~6,700)
- This is a gain of about 900 units over the opening nubmers for v9.
- Rank #4: Naruto Vol. 12 (~6,300, Total Known Sales: ~6,300)
- The previous volume opened 800 units less than this one at 5500 units.
- Rank #5: Showcase Presents Shazam Vol. 1 (~4,800, Total Known Sales: ~4,800)
- This sold well but not as well as a lot of the other Showcase Presents titles.
- Rank #6: X-Men Deadly Genesis (~4,300, Total Known Sales: ~4,300)
- This is almost exactly how well the hardcover version opened at. The trade actually seems to have opened slightly higher with nearly 30 additional units.
- Rank #7: Berserk Vol. 14 (~4,000, Total Known Sales: ~4,000)
- The opening numbers for this seris of trades has been bouncing around a bit. This is the best opening numbers since v7.
- Rank #8: Bleach Vol. 16 (~4,000, Total Known Sales: ~4,000)
- Not only is this the best opening numbers for this series but it exceed the known sales for each of the previous volumes.
- Rank #9: Superman For Tomorrow Vol. 2 (~3,800, Total Known Sales: ~3,800)
- The hardcover opened about 470 unit stronger than this trade. I have to think that the 16 months between the release of the hardcover and this trade was a factor in how well this trade did.
- Rank #10: Wolverine Origins & Endings (~3,800, Total Known Sales: ~3,800)
- This opened about 125 units stronger than the hadcover did in May.
- Rank #12: Cowboys & Aliens (~3,600, Total Known Sales: ~3,600)
- This is the first property from Platinum Studios to get published. Fairly unimpressive sales given the page count and price point. I'm surprised this didn't do better. The solicitation for it in Previews was kind of hidden and easy to skip past without really noticing.
- Rank #14: Essential Defenders Vol. 2 (~3,400, Total Known Sales: ~3,400)
- The first volume of Essential Defenders opened much stronger at about 4,800 units in 2005-05.
- Rank #15: New Teen Titans Terra Incognito (~3,300, Total Known Sales: ~3,300)
- Nice to see the precursor to the Judas Contract get traded. This is some classic Wolfman/Perez Titans material.
- Rank #23: Essential Off Handbook Marvel Unv Update 89 Vol. 1 (~2,700, Total Known Sales: ~2,700)
- All of the previous Essential OHotMU volume did much beter than this one. The first Essential OHotMU opened at about 4,550. The three volumes of the Deluxe OHutMU opened at about 3900, 3675 and 3900 respectively. And while this did just shy of 2750, it is still a fair deal lower than those previous volumes.
- Rank #26: Walking Dead Vol. 5 Best Defense (~2,600, Total Known Sales: ~15,600)
- One again, all five trades of Walking Dead make the list
- Rank #41: Frank Miller 300 Art of Making 300 HC (~2,100, Total Known Sales: ~2,100)
- Should be interesting to see how this does as the movie gets closer.
- Rank #44: Will Eisners Spirit Archives Vol. 20 HC (~2,000, Total Known Sales: ~2,000)
- Sales seem to be slipping a bit on these Spirit Archives. Earlier ones opened around 3300 units while the last few volume all opened around 2000 units.
- Rank #51: Watchmen (~1,800, Total Known Sales: ~35,300)
- WatchList: CGS Book of the Month: March 2006
- Rank #52: Marvel Masterworks Golden Age All Winners Vol. 2 HC New Ed (~1,800, Total Known Sales: ~1,800)
- This opened about 600 units stronger than the first volume did in 2005-12.
- Rank #58: Walking Dead Vol. 1 Days Gone Bye (~1,600, Total Known Sales: ~49,000)
- WatchList: Robert Kirkman, CGS Book of the Month: August 2005
- Rank #64: Marvel Masterworks Avengers Vol. 6 HC Var Ed 70 (~1,400, Total Known Sales: ~1,400)
- The variant edition opened about 125 units better than the new edition.
- What confuses me is that the new edition of v5 opened stronger than the variant edition of it by about 20 units in 2005-12.
- Rank #69: Fables 1001 Nights of Snowfall HC (~1,400, Total Known Sales: ~20,900)
- This just keeps on selling�
- Rank #80: Savage Dragon Archives Vol. 1 (~1,200, Total Known Sales: ~1,200)
- I'm not sure if this should be considered lowe sales for this or high sales. The monthly is only doing around 7,000 units. Based on that, these are not bad opening numbers. Still, 1,200 units is fairly low.
- Rank #84: Walking Dead Vol. 3 Safety Behind Bars (~1,100, Total Known Sales: ~26,100)
- WatchList: Robert Kirkman
- Rank #88: Walking Dead Vol. 4 Hearts Desire (~1,100, Total Known Sales: ~24,900)
- WatchList: Robert Kirkman
- Rank #90: Walking Dead Vol. 2 Miles Behind Us (~1,100, Total Known Sales: ~27,700)
- WatchList: Robert Kirkman