This installment of The Mayo Report was part of Comic Geek Speak episode #164. It covered June 2006 and can be found
We had a really good conversation that lasted about 48 minutes or so.
Below are the rough notes I put together in preparation for the podcast.
I've added linked to the charts for the titles mentioned.
I use these notes as a guide for the podcast be we never cover all of the titles I have in the notes and we frequently discuss many other things that I don't have in my notes.
Top Comics List
Top Comics Breakdown
Top Trades List
Top Trades Breakdown
2006-06 IndexPointValue:
- CBG = ~765.29
- Down about ~7.00 from 2006-05 (~772.29)
- ICv2 = ~765.25
- Up about ~-7.32 from 2006-05 (~772.57)
General Comments
- A lot of titles lost ground this month
- 147 comics sold less than the previous issue
- 46 sold more
- Marvel
- Comic book units: 46.66% (3,260,800)
- Comic book dollars: 47.48% ($10,085,357.00)
- DC
- Comic book units: 42.00% (2,935,700)
- Comic book dollars: 40.15% ($8,528,099.00)
- Image
- Comic book units: 3.10% (217,200)
- Comic book dollars: 3.16% ($673,175.00)
- Dark Horse
- Comic book units: 2.42% (169,600)
- Comic book dollars: 2.58% ($549,304.00)
- Devil's Due
- Comic book units: 1.01% (70,700)
- Comic book dollars: 1.33% ($283,165.00)
- Top 300 Comics (~6,988,400)
- Down about ~588,700 (-7.76%) from 2006-05 (~7,577,100)
- 1 titles sold over 200,000 copies
- 17 titles sold between 100,000 and 199,999 copies
- DCU Brave New World #1 (~140,900)
- New Avengers #21 (~134,300)
- Wonder Woman #1 (~132,600)
- New Avengers #20 (~125,600)
- Civil War Front Line #1 (~122,100)
- Flash Fastest Man Alive #1 (~120,400)
- Astonishing X-Men #15 (~120,000)
- Wolverine Origins #3 (~116,100)
- Amazing Spider-Man #533 (~113,000)
- 52 Week #5 (~111,900)
- All Star Superman #4 (~111,400)
- 52 Week #7 (~110,200)
- Justice #6 (~110,200)
- 52 Week #6 (~110,000)
- 52 Week #8 (~105,100)
- Eternals #1 (~103,200)
- Civil War Front Line #2 (~102,700)
- 13 titles has more than one new issue released this month
- 52 Week
- A G Super Erotic Anthology
- Civil War Front Line
- Exiles
- Forgotten Realms Dark Elf Sojourn
- G. I. Joe Declassified
- Invincible
- JLA Classified
- Last Planet Standing
- Moon Knight
- New Avengers
- Noble Causes
- Shadowhawk
New Items: 67,
Reorder Items: 18,
Total Items: 85
Minimum Cover Price: $1.50,
Average Cover Price: $3.13,
Maximum Cover Price: $4.99
- Rank #1: Civil War #2 (~253,900)
- Top selling title for Marvel
- Down about ~24,500 (-8.80%) from #1 (~278,400)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Dropped from overall sales but only down about 6,800 from initial orders for #1
- Rank #6: Civil War Front Line #1 (~122,100)
- (No previous found)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Strong start for the second Civil War title
- Rank #17: Eternals #1 (~103,200)
- (No previous found)
- Strong start for this title
- I expect a minimal second issue drop in this given the creative team
- Rank #18: Civil War Front Line #2 (~102,700)
- Down about ~19,400 (-15.89%) from #1 (~122,100)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Not a bad second issue drop for this title
- It might even recover this loss with reorders
- Rank #29: Moon Knight #3 (~69,400)
- Down about ~8,100 (-10.45%) from #2 (~77,500)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Moon Knight is still dropping.
- Kevin must have cut back his order�
- Rank #34: X-Factor #8 (~59,100)
- Up about ~14,800 (33.41%) from #7 (~44,300)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Civil War tie-in caused the 33.41% bump
- Rank #41: Thunderbolts #103 (~48,100)
- Up about ~24,400 (102.95%) from #102 (~23,700)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Civil War tie-in doubled the sales of this title
- Rank #50: Annihilation Silver Surfer #3 (~41,600)
- WatchList: Event: Annihilation
- Down about ~2,600 (-5.88%) from #2 (~44,200)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Rank #61: Annihilation Nova #3 (~36,700)
- WatchList: Event: Annihilation
- Down about ~2,900 (-7.32%) from #2 (~39,600)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Rank #63: Annihilation Super Skrull #3 (~35,600)
- WatchList: Event: Annihilation
- Down about ~2,700 (-7.05%) from #2 (~38,300)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Rank #71: Annihilation Ronan #3 (~33,100)
- WatchList: Event: Annihilation
- Down about ~3,200 (-8.82%) from #2 (~36,300)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Rank #108: Marvel Team-Up #21 (~18,400)
- WatchList: Robert Kirkman
- Down about ~400 (-2.13%) from #20 (~18,800)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Rank #110: Spider-Girl #99 (~17,900)
- Up about ~200 (1.13%) from #98 (~17,700)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Minor increase but an increase just the same�
- Rank #113: Civil War #1 (~17,700)
- (No previous found)
- Really strong reorder activity
- Rank #154: Marvel Advs Avengers #2 (~9,400)
- Down about ~4,500 (-32.37%) from #1 (~13,900)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Sharp second issue drop on this "kid-ified" title
- Rank #296: Marvel Zombies #1 (~1,200)
- (No previous found)
- There is still some reorder activity for Marvel Zombies #1
New Items: 78,
Reorder Items: 14,
Total Items: 92
Minimum Cover Price: $1.00,
Average Cover Price: $3.03,
Maximum Cover Price: $5.99
- Rank #2: DCU Brave New World #1 (~140,900)
- Top selling title for DC
- (No previous found)
- Great sales for what was basically a promo book for some new titles
- It will be interesting to see how many of these readers get the various titles
- Rank #4: Wonder Woman #1 (~132,600)
- Up about ~86,900 (190.15%) from #226 (~45,700)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Less: 117
- Same: 0
- More: 0
- This new #1 sold nearly 3 times what the old series ended with
- Relaunches work and can really boost sales
- The next issue will lose some readers but I don't expect this title to go into a free fall
- Rank #7: Flash Fastest Man Alive #1 (~120,400)
- (No previous found)
- This new #1 sold a bit short of 3 times what the old series ended with
- Again, relaunches work and can really boost sales
- However, I expect that the next issue will lose a lot of readers and that this title might go into a free fall
- The first issue was impressive
- Giving Bilson/DeMeo such a high profile relaunch as their first major comic book effort may have been a mistake
- Rank #11: 52 Week #5 (~111,900)
- Down about ~13,400 (-10.69%) from #4 (~125,300)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Still dropping noticably
- Rank #13: 52 Week #7 (~110,200)
- Up about ~200 (0.18%) from #6 (~110,000)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Very minor increase
- Rank #15: 52 Week #6 (~110,000)
- Down about ~1,900 (-1.70%) from #5 (~111,900)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Minor drop
- Rank #16: 52 Week #8 (~105,100)
- Down about ~5,100 (-4.63%) from #7 (~110,200)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Noticable drop
- Rank #21: Superman Batman #27 (Res) (~95,700)
- Down about ~34,500 (-26.50%) from #26 (~130,200)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Major drop after the Sam Loeb "jam" issue
- Having what read as a fill-in issue here didn't help either
- Rank #36: Ion #3 (~51,700)
- WatchList: Event: Infinite Crisis Aftermath
- Down about ~5,700 (-9.93%) from #2 (~57,400)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Rank #47: Crisis Aftermath Spectre #2 (~43,400)
- WatchList: Event: Infinite Crisis Aftermath
- Down about ~12,400 (-22.22%) from #1 (~55,800)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Rank #49: Crisis Aftermath Battle For Bludhaven #5 (~42,200)
- WatchList: Event: Infinite Crisis Aftermath
- Down about ~6,600 (-13.52%) from #4 (~48,800)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Rank #52: Shadowpact #2 (~40,000)
- WatchList: Event: Infinite Crisis Aftermath
- Down about ~10,300 (-20.48%) from #1 (~50,300)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Rank #59: Checkmate #3 (~37,600)
- WatchList: Event: Infinite Crisis Aftermath
- Down about ~4,200 (-10.05%) from #2 (~41,800)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Rank #100: Captain Atom Armageddon #9 (~20,300)
- Up about ~600 (3.05%) from #8 (~19,700)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- While this may have gone up this month, it is still under half what it started at
- Perhaps if it had been marketed as being a key storyline for WildStorm Universe it might have done better
- Rank #117: Warlord #5 (~16,100)
- Down about ~2,400 (-12.97%) from #4 (~18,500)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- This title keeps losing readers
- I expect it to end before issue #12 at this rate
- Rank #119: Manhunter #23 (~15,500)
- WatchList: Cancelled, Extended
- Down about ~200 (-1.27%) from #22 (~15,700)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Rank #127: Solo #11 (~14,100)
- Up about ~2,700 (23.68%) from #10 (~11,400)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- This is why anthologies titles tend not to do well, they are impossible to predict
- Impressive bump for Aragones and Evanier
- Why isn't there an ongoing Groo title these days?
- Rank #140: Superman Batman #26 (~11,400)
- (No previous found)
- Strong reorder activity
- Rank #157: American Way #5 (~8,800)
- Down about ~800 (-8.33%) from #4 (~9,600)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- This is still dropping?
- It is a good book and I'm surprised it isn't doing better
- Rank #202: 52 Week #4 (~3,900)
- (No previous found)
- Solid reorder activity which implies last months numbers were solid
- Rank #219: 52 Week #3 (~2,900)
- (No previous found)
- Solid reorder activity which implies last months numbers were solid
- Rank #225: 52 Week #1 (~2,600)
- (No previous found)
- Solid reorder activity which implies last months numbers were solid
- Rank #240: 52 Week #2 (~2,300)
- (No previous found)
- Solid reorder activity which implies last months numbers were solid
- Rank #256: Ion #2 (~1,900)
- WatchList: Event: Infinite Crisis Aftermath
- (No previous found)
- Rank #284: Infinite Crisis #6 (~1,400)
- (No previous found)
- Still seeing reorder activity for Infinite Crisis
- Rank #288: Infinite Crisis #4 (~1,400)
- (No previous found)
- Still seeing reorder activity for Infinite Crisis
New Items: 29,
Reorder Items: 0,
Total Items: 29
Minimum Cover Price: $1.99,
Average Cover Price: $3.40,
Maximum Cover Price: $5.99
- Rank #83: Spawn #157 (~26,300)
- Top selling title for Image
- Down about ~700 (-2.59%) from #156 (~27,000)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Less: 20
- Same: 0
- More: 103
- Spawn continues to decline in sales
- Rank #102: Walking Dead #28 (~20,100)
- WatchList: Robert Kirkman
- Up about ~1,200 (6.35%) from #27 (~18,900)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Walking Dead continues a slow but steady increase in sales
- Rank #133: Invincible #33 (~12,900)
- WatchList: Robert Kirkman
- Unchanged from #32 (~12,900)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Both issues of Invincible sold the same amount this month
- Rank #134: Invincible #32 (~12,900)
- WatchList: Robert Kirkman
- Up about ~800 (6.61%) from #31 (~12,100)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Invincible continues a slow but steady increase in sales
New Items: 10,
Reorder Items: 0,
Total Items: 10
Minimum Cover Price: $2.99,
Average Cover Price: $3.19,
Maximum Cover Price: $4.99
- Rank #198: Usagi Yojimbo #94 (~4,300)
- Down about ~1,600 (-27.12%) from #93 (~5,900)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- What is going on with Usagi Yojimbo?
- It used to seel between 8,000 and 9,000 copies a month
- As of issue #65 is seems to have been losing reader each month
- Now at 27.12% drop to put it at 4,300?
- Everybody I know that reads it is a very loyal fan of Stan Sakai
- Anybody know what is going on with this title?
- Rank #183: X Isle #1 (~5,300)
- WatchList: CGS Indie Challenge: March 2006
- (No previous found)
- Not bad starting numbers for an Indy title but not amazing either
- This may be a title that need a little time to build an audience
- Rank #193: Medieval Lady Death War of the Winds #3 (~4,600)
- Down about ~1,600 (-25.81%) from #2 (~6,200)
- Number of new issues (since 1996-09) that sold:
- Bad month for Avatar in general
- All of the Avatar titles dropped over 25%
- Rank #247: Leading Man #1 (~2,200)
- WatchList: CGS Indie Challenge: April 2006
- (No previous found)
- Great concept, excellent execution, low initial sales�
- This title would make for a great Brad Pitt summer blockbuster movie
- Rank #269: Utf #1 (~1,700)
- WatchList: CGS Indie Challenge: May 2006
- (No previous found)
- Low starting numbers
- Issue #1 shipped on 6/7/2006 so it isn't a matter of it shipping late in the month
- This could be fall out from the Speakeasy collapse and switch over to Ape
- Again, all four Walking Dead trades appear on the list�
- And, if you look at the history of the monthly, there is a noticable bump after each trade ends off
- Issues #7, 13, 19 and 25 all seemed to benefit from some readers shifting from the trades to the monthly
- Rank #76: Walking Dead Vol. 1 Days Gone Bye (~1,300)
- Rank #81: Walking Dead Vol. 2 Miles Behind Us (~1,200)
- Rank #92: Walking Dead Vol. 4 Hearts Desire (~1,100)
- Rank #100: Walking Dead Vol. 3 Safety Behind Bars (~1,000)