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Why does Marvel hate me? (Bad artists on your fav book)

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:31 am
by Frank Castle
So I settle in, pick up the new Punisher issue by Rick Remender (who imo is doing a great job) and I'm treated to 22 crappy (bleep) pages of art by Tan Eng Huat. Seriously, this is one of the worst looking Franks I've seen.

Last yr it was Howard Chaykin on Punisher War Journal and an issue from the Max book. Not to mention his terrible art on War is Hell.

I know Steve Dillon can't draw every Ennis book and I guess having Jerome Opena on more than 5 issues of the new Pun book is too much to ask. I'm not expecting Marvel to get McNiven or some other superstart to draw the book but damn, if it didn't say Punisher in the title I would drop this thing in a heartbeat.

So what's examples of your fav book having your most hated creator working on it?

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:30 am
by Koete
Joe Quesada should never touch an issue of Amazing Spider-Man ever again.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:29 pm
by Frank Castle
Koete wrote:Joe Quesada should never touch an issue of Amazing Spider-Man ever again.
Ha, good luck with that!! The man is going cover crazy!!

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:41 pm
by jlshank007
I didnt like Phil Noto drawing Jonah Hex. I could barely get through some of his issues.

Overall I like most of his stuff but not the Jonah Hex books. Especially issue no. 10. I dont think I ever really read the issue, just skimmed it.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 5:35 pm
by Trev
Koete wrote:Joe Quesada should never touch an issue of Amazing Spider-Man ever again.
totally agree. Something about the way he does the ears under the mask throws it off for me.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 5:38 pm
by Trev
I would appreciate it if Greg Land or Greg Horn stayed the hell away from any of my favorite books.

Also the guy who did like 4 issues of X-factor and drew everybody with huge (bleep) and baggy pants? Whoever that guy is, too.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 6:08 pm
by BobBretall
While I won't defend Tan Eng Huat, I quite enjoy Phil Noto & Greg Land, so this is more a matter of personal taste.

That said, I think certain artists styles do not mesh well with certain characters/books. Phil Noto is not a good match for Jonah Hex, but there are lots of other things he is WONDERFUL on. I'd love to see him do a Black Widow/spy book.

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 6:12 pm
by Master of the Mystic Arts
I think I've heard of this artist before. Did he do a Silver Surfer mini which was reviewed on The Comic Book Page podcast a while back. And what was most vivid to me was Bob disliking this version of the surfer. The only reason I know of this artist was that I heard about him on that episode & it made me google his art see what I thought. I didn't like it much either. A lot of people online seem to especially think the surfboard is too small.

Edit: Oops, I think I was writing my comment just as Bob posted his message above ...

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:24 pm
by Trev
BobBretall wrote:While I won't defend Tan Eng Huat, I quite enjoy Phil Noto & Greg Land, so this is more a matter of personal taste.
for sure, he's just *my* most hated creator. I make no claims for anybody else :)

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:59 am
by spid
Leinil Francis Yu on New Avengers qualifies for me. Putting him on the book sapped the little enjoyment I was having on the book.

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:12 pm
by Nemesis Enforcer
I was loving Punisher and now Opena is off of it. I hear Tony Moore will be doing an arc which I am excited about but the recent issues art just didn't do it for me, it was too inconsistent. I believe the artist was Tan Eng Huet, I am not familiar with anything he has done before but I can say without a doubt I am not a fan of his Punisher.

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:42 pm
by BobBretall
Nemesis Enforcer wrote: I believe the artist was Tan Eng Huet, I am not familiar with anything he has done before but I can say without a doubt I am not a fan of his Punisher.
Huat has previously done some Ghost Rider and a Silver Surfer mini. Both were below the bar for me personally. He's an artist I'll go out of my way to avoid.

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 12:25 am
by Frank Castle
#7 with Haut's art was just so painful to look at. Remender is doing a great job with the story but damn, I hate the art!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 6:20 am
by HassanT
Frank Castle wrote:#7 with Haut's art was just so painful to look at. Remender is doing a great job with the story but damn, I hate the art!!!!!!
I really liked the first story arc, but decided to drop the book because of the art team on the 2nd arc. I don't think Haut's art belong in a Punisher book that takes place in the Marvel Universe.

Frank - Are you excited about the relaunch of Punisher Max? I going to give the first couple a try since I really like both Jason Aaron and Steve Dillion.

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 8:46 am
by Frank Castle
HassanT wrote: Frank - Are you excited about the relaunch of Punisher Max? I going to give the first couple a try since I really like both Jason Aaron and Steve Dillion.
Yes sir!!! As a Punisher fan, this is the best news I've had since Garth left the book. Garth did wrote such a great Max book and the issues after have been good but not Garth good.

I spoke with Aaron at Emerald City Comic Con in April and asked any chance you'll do more Pun stories (he's done one xmas solo issue) and he got a big grin on his face and said it was a book he'd love to do and to stick around for an announcement. And with Steve on the art, I'm a happy fan boy!!!