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Mighty Avengers Numbers

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:29 pm
by knightwingbk
I'm curious what the numbers for Mighty Avengers #5 will look like after about 2-3 months between issues. Any trends that indicate how much this may drop?

Re: Mighty Avengers Numbers

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:54 pm
by JohnMayo
knightwingbk wrote:I'm curious what the numbers for Mighty Avengers #5 will look like after about 2-3 months between issues. Any trends that indicate how much this may drop?
I'm not certain it will drop. At least not based on the delay alone. This is a high enough profile title with a solid fan base that it may not take a hit from the delay. We'll know in about a month when the October data gets released.

I've got the September data and I've started the initial number crunching on it. Hopefully I'll have my article for CBR up sometime next week. I'm scheduled to record the trade discussion with Chris on Thursday. I'm not sure when Bob and I will record the comics discussion.