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Q&A #2: Deadline is September 2nd

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 8:43 am
by JohnMayo
Since it has been over two years since the first Questions and Answers episode I figured episode #1500 would be a good time for another one. That episode is currently scheduled for October 12th, 2018. My plan is to record it a over Labor Day weekend so the deadline for questions is the morning of September 2nd.

Put the questions in this thread. When I record the episode, I'll be starting at the top of the thread and working my way down. If you want to record an audio clips for a question that is works too. Just mention in the post that you've emailed me an audio clip with the question and the filename of the clip.

Re: Q&A #2: Deadline is September 2nd

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 7:26 pm
by nacho
Here you go! Feel free to pick and choose :)

1) With the many discussions regarding increasing comic prices and the value that each comic provides, I'm curious where your breaking point is. Assuming no DC version of the Marvel Unlimited service becomes available (or any other massive shifts in the direct market), at what standard price-point are you no longer all-in with the big two?

2) What title, series, or classic run that hasn't been collected would you most like to see get a nice TPB or HC collection?

3) Marvel and DC are both owned by massive media corporations who make so much money on movies and merchandise licensing that the revenue from the comic divisions is practically pocket change. We've long-assumed that the comics are largely IP farms for other media. In that light, at what point would it be beneficial for Disney and Warner to consider comics a loss-leader and sell comic issues for a pittance (e.g. a dollar) just to make them ubiquitous?

The revenue lost from selling expensive comics could be made back with a mediocre weekend from a single film. The quality and breadth of comics could increase substantially (and help the movies and licensing in the process) if the big publishers weren't saddled with pressure to hit quarterly profit numbers with gimmicks and sales shenanigans. Would it be better for Disney or Warner overall to simply treat comics as a break-even R&D/marketing division rather than forcing it to be a niche profit generator?

4) I know you're not a big original art collector (that I know of), but do you have a holy grail page of art or a particular artist that you'd like to own a page from?

5) Who is the best redhead in the X-Men universe? Marvel Girl Jean, Phoenix Jean, Maddie Pryor, Mystique, Firestar, Rachel Summers, Hope Summers, or time-displaced teen Jean?

6) What are your thoughts about print-on-demand? It's been touted as a potential alternative if the direct market as we know it went away, and Amazon is making certain comixology-exclusive titles available this way. Assuming reasonable price points, if the DM went away, would you seek out print floppies from a PoD service to continue your massive print collection, or would the collectability aspect be gone, and thus make digital a more attractive solution going forward?

Re: Q&A #2: Deadline is September 2nd

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2018 2:48 pm
by jrphoenix
1. Do you think the discount comic stores (Kowabunga, DCBS, TFAW, Midtown).. exist as we see them without the variant comic. I understand the dynamics.. variants for many shops and our e-tailers helps the shops to be able to sell their comics at a discount. If the variant market dried up, what would happen in your opinion to discount retailers? Could / would they continue but, at lower discount levels?

FYI.. Kowabunga does well / did well before entering this segment. I wonder more so about a DCBS that has this discount online as its ONLY outlet.

Re: Q&A #2: Deadline is September 2nd

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 10:46 am
by doctormo
1). What do you feel are the strengths and weaknesses of DC & Marvel?
2). When did you start reading titles outside of the "Big Two"?
3). What keeps you excited and enthusiastic about collecting/reading comics?

Legion of Super-Heroes and & JSA/All Star Squadron related questions:

1). Favorite member(s) of the Legion of Super-Heroes and JSA/All Star Squadron?
2). Favorite era of Legion costumes? (examples - 1970s disco look, the 5YL jackets by Giffen or the Barry Kitson design's from the Mark Waid threeboot era)

Re: Q&A #2: Deadline is September 2nd

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2018 12:31 pm
by bralinator
I may have asked a variation of one or more of these questions the last time around, but I’m still interested in hearing you speak about them again. Here we go:

1: When and how did you first get into comics and collecting? Do you remember some of your first experiences with comic books? Which titles, characters, publisher?

2: you now have amassed a substantially massive collection of comic books. Have you ever daydreamed about what you would do if you ever needed to winnow down your collection? For instance; are there certain runs or individual issues that you would find most difficult part with? And do you have a living will In order to bequeath your collection to someone or some organizationin in the event that something should happen to you?

3: you’ve been doing the comic book page podcast now for well over a decade. In that time and in your opinion, what are some surprising developments in the culture or industry that you could not have predicted and what are some developments that you had expected to occur by now but have not manifested as of yet?

4: have you ever wanted to try any new or different segments or subjects for your podcast? What would they be?

Love the show, John. I’ve enjoyed all hours the infotainment, sir.

Re: Q&A #2: Deadline is September 2nd

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 10:59 pm
by alienal121
Hi John,
Here's a question and some related questions:
Over the last couple of years that I've been listening to the podcast, you mentioned several times about the possibility of publishing comics yourself or was it starting your own comic publishing company? How do you feel about that in this current market? And is your interest in making/creating/or publishing your own comic(s) related to your interest in the digital inking and such things (for example, the Brian Haberlin (sic) panels you always go to in SDCC).

Re: Q&A #2: Deadline is September 2nd

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:42 pm
by jrphoenix
I have a second & third question John:

1. With 65,000 comics... what do you plan to do with your collection in the long run?

2. Why, in general (not always), do the majority of writers / artist migrate to DC in the later years of their careers? I always attributed it to DC (maybe more conservative still in culture) goes with tried and true vs.. Marvel (more dynamic culture) is more apt to find young new talent. I'm honestly not sure why though?

Re: Q&A #2: Deadline is September 2nd

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 11:23 pm
by NicksPicks
1) What is your ideal comic book story? Does it involve a good detective story, a superhero/supervillain brawl? An in-depth character analysis? Flashback? Done-in-one?

2) The current superhero movies and cinematic universes aside, what comic book story or character story would you love to see portrayed on the big screen?

3) In an alternate universe where you never got started collecting comic books, what would you have collected instead?

4) I think I'm naturally drawn to comic books as a medium because I appreciate good art. Do you have a favorite artist or art style? Do you appreciate fine art or pop art?

5) I know you have dietary restrictions. What is a favorite gluten-free recipe you can recommend?

6) What's your favorite part of doing a podcast?

7) What forgotten comic book character is due their comeback?

Re: Q&A #2: Deadline is September 2nd

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 3:36 am
by MrAloha
I only have three questions.
They are:

1) When you started the podcast, did you ever thought that you would make so many friends around the world?

2) Has anyone ever recognized you at conventions (ones where you were not a part of a podcast panel)?

3) What were some of the most awesome things that happened to you at a convention?

Thank you,

Re: Q&A #2: Deadline is September 2nd

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 4:16 pm
by JohnMayo
Thanks for the questions. I'll probably start another thread soon for questions for a potential third Q&A episode down the line.

Re: Q&A #2: Deadline is September 2nd

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:41 am
by Kdunlop
Hi John,

Just listening to your Q&A now and got to your remembering Superman and Green Lantern testing the lantern. I remember that too. I think they were doing it at the Fortress of Solitude. I believe it was an issue of JLA but can’t tell you which one as I’m at work.

Thanks for the episode.

Re: Q&A #2: Deadline is September 2nd

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:06 pm
by JohnMayo
Kdunlop wrote:Hi John,

Just listening to your Q&A now and got to your remembering Superman and Green Lantern testing the lantern. I remember that too. I think they were doing it at the Fortress of Solitude. I believe it was an issue of JLA but can’t tell you which one as I’m at work.

Thanks for the episode.
As I recall, the scene did take place at the Fortress of Solitude. It would make sense that is was in JLA. That narrows it down a bit.