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Electronic Comics

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:09 pm
by onemaddog
I pretty much only read trades but I wanted to get back into reading a comic that I gave up back at the beginning of the nineties. That comic was 2000AD and it isn't that easy to get in the USA (you can order a bundle of stuff but that seemed a hassle to me). When I became the owner of a shiny new IPAD for Christmas I suddenly became interested in the prospect of digital comics.

Apple provide a free reader application and it allows you to read things in PDF format. 2000AD sell the comic in electronic form so I thought I would give the world of digital comics a try.

The IPAD reader app complete with my extensive collection of 2000AD comics


I have to admit that I was really impressed when I loaded up the cover which was very vibrant.


Although it is hard to tell from these photographs the text is easy to read and the art looks gorgeous


The black and white stuff looked good to


The ability to zoom in on the action is a nice touch


It looks so good even my non comic book friends were impressed


Its not all good news . 2000AD are horrendously slow at getting the issues out in digital form which is putting me off subscribing. Its a shame they cant put out the digital version the same day like another UK magazine I subscribe to "EVO". I have bought every paper issue of that magazine since it started for the extortionate price of around $12 an issue but since they went digital I can get the magazine on day of release for arund $3 and it looks awesome. The only downside as far as I can see is that I cant read them in the bath :)

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:58 am
by Paul Nolan
I seen comics on the iPad and it works pretty well at a glance. But there really isn't much difference between a ipad screen and a monitor screen so I wonder how clickly eye strain will kick in.

Also Apple have recently said they will stop letting Apps use in application payment systems. Currently systems like Comixology and let you make purchases on any of their systems and view them on any of the other systems (computer, iphone, android or ipad). Apple are stopping this and only want you to view purchases that have included thier 30% cut.

Basically Apple will be putting portable readership back a few years, and its a very bad thing.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:04 am
by onemaddog
I have no love for Apple which is why I am only getting comics in PDF format so that I can view them on any device and they are mine to keep forever.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:09 pm
by Cromics
Paul Nolan wrote: Basically Apple will be putting portable readership back a few years, and its a very bad thing.
Hopefully the Android based tablets will help with that. I use Comixology on my Droid phone and have been very impressed with it. It will never take take the place of paper comics for me, but it does what it is supposed to do very well.

On a side note, I see Rogue Trooper there. Anybody know if there are Rogue Trooper trades available in the US? I used to read Rogue Trooper in the 80's and loved it.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:15 pm
by fudd71
Paul Nolan wrote:Also Apple have recently said they will stop letting Apps use in application payment systems. Currently systems like Comixology and let you make purchases on any of their systems and view them on any of the other systems (computer, iphone, android or ipad). Apple are stopping this and only want you to view purchases that have included thier 30% cut.
This is a false statement, what Apple actually said is that apps that use an app based payment must also make the item available through ITunes. That means is that the product has to be available for purchase separately for people that don’t have the app or don’t want the whole app, not that you won’t be able to still pay though the app.

If you like the way it currently is nothing will chance for you. But if say you want to buy only one book, you will be able to buy through ITunes and read it thought the ITunes Book viewer without having to buy or download the app first.

Apple will only get that 30% of the things purchased separately not thought the app.

What this really does is open the market to anyone with an ITunes account instead of how it currently is where you can only get comics if you have an IPad, IPhone, or IPod touch.

Rogue Trooper

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 8:18 pm
by onemaddog

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:19 am
by Paul Nolan
fudd71 wrote:
Paul Nolan wrote:Also Apple have recently said they will stop letting Apps use in application payment systems. Currently systems like Comixology and let you make purchases on any of their systems and view them on any of the other systems (computer, iphone, android or ipad). Apple are stopping this and only want you to view purchases that have included thier 30% cut.
This is a false statement, what Apple actually said is that apps that use an app based payment must also make the item available through ITunes. That means is that the product has to be available for purchase separately for people that don’t have the app or don’t want the whole app, not that you won’t be able to still pay though the app.
In fairness, its how it was reported in the media on Monday. but it seems sites have now updated their stories.