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Perfect 5/5 Comic Books

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:37 am
by comicm
Azrael #10 - 13 were some of the best comics I have read this year. The Shroud of Christ, The Secret of the Cross, Mary Magdalene. A brilliant story by David Hine with beautiful pencils by Guillem March. A great story that hardly anybody is reading. (5/5)

Deadpool Max #2 - I absolutely hate Deadpool but this series is really working for me. I have read all 4 issues and this issue stood out because I enjoyed it so much. David Lapham can do no wrong and I am really enjoying Kyle Baker as he makes his art look like a cross between what he did in Plastic Man mixed with Photo-realism. (5/5)

Re: Perfect 5/5 Comic Books

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 9:58 am
by BobBretall
comicm wrote:Azrael #10 - 13 were some of the best comics I have read this year. The Shroud of Christ, The Secret of the Cross, Mary Magdalene. A brilliant story by David Hine with beautiful pencils by Guillem March. A great story that hardly anybody is reading. (5/5)
Wow! I had totally dismissed the Azrael series, I'll have to check these out if you rate them so highly. Can I jump into #10 without having read #2-9 (I did read #1).

Re: Perfect 5/5 Comic Books

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:46 am
by comicm
BobBretall wrote: Wow! I had totally dismissed the Azrael series, I'll have to check these out if you rate them so highly. Can I jump into #10 without having read #2-9 (I did read #1).

I believe you will be able to jump on with 10 and get what you need out of the story. If you do check it out I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Re: Perfect 5/5 Comic Books

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:51 pm
by JohnMayo
comicm wrote:Azrael #10 - 13 were some of the best comics I have read this year. The Shroud of Christ, The Secret of the Cross, Mary Magdalene. A brilliant story by David Hine with beautiful pencils by Guillem March. A great story that hardly anybody is reading. (5/5)
Personally, I'd rate of the Azrael issues at a 3 tops. The series is really not clicking with me. I'm not the least bit surprised the series is ending due to low sales.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:51 pm
by comicm
Bob, I think you should give number 10 a try. I believe you said you liked Marches artwork. If you read 10 and don't get into the story than maybe it is not for you. I love religious conspiracy theories and that is what this book offered.

I also read 14-16. They tied more into Batman incorporated and had some interesting things but they were not as nearly as good as the Crusader storyline.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:33 am
by comicm
Daredevil Reborn #1 - I really loved this issue. Just seeing Matt in a Bruce Banner mode was great for me. I loved Diggle's dialog and he set up a lot of mystery of a small town in the first issue. I have never seen Davide Gianfelice pencils before but there were really dynamic and fit the story perfectly. (5/5)

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 3:06 pm
by BobBretall
comicm wrote:Daredevil Reborn #1 - I really loved this issue. Just seeing Matt in a Bruce Banner mode was great for me. I loved Diggle's dialog and he set up a lot of mystery of a small town in the first issue. I have never seen Davide Gianfelice pencils before but there were really dynamic and fit the story perfectly. (5/5)
Wow. I think we have some different taste in comics going on here. I saw the preview pages for this in that "Sneak Peeks" book and was severely unimpressed, both on writing & art. That said, it's a great illustration that some books are going to be a 5/5 for someone while someone else won't like them at all.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 3:49 pm
by comicm
Personally after reading Marvel's Sneak Peeks I don't think they do the book justice in the clips they choose to display. Yes you can get a feeling for the art but I would not count on them for story.

On the DC side when they give 6 or so pages I feel that I get a good feeling of how the book will read.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:46 am
by abysslord
I think the first mini-series of "Crossed" would be 5/5 for me. I think maybe issue #0 would be 3/4 but the rest were so well done that it would make the whole thing a 5. The fact that it is so similar to Walking Dead and still made me want to keep reading speaks volumes I think, because I tried to start reading 28 Days from BOOM and just couldn't get very far.

I also think Irredeemable, pretty much the whole series but especially the first 9 issues or so, are 5/5. Before that title all I read was Walking Dead and Spider-Man. After reading Irredeemable I thought "Wow, what else is out there that I'm missing" and have since found out. So that title alone has made my reading list grow from 2-3 to 20-30 or so including minis. Damn Mark Waid .... :)

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 10:02 pm
by comicm
abysslord wrote:I think the first mini-series of "Crossed" would be 5/5 for me. I think maybe issue #0 would be 3/4 but the rest were so well done that it would make the whole thing a 5. The fact that it is so similar to Walking Dead and still made me want to keep reading speaks volumes I think, because I tried to start reading 28 Days from BOOM and just couldn't get very far.

Are you referring to the Garth Ennis Crossed or the David Lapham 2nd Crossed series. I am enjoying the Lapham series much more than the Ennis series.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:33 pm
by abysslord
comicm wrote:
abysslord wrote:I think the first mini-series of "Crossed" would be 5/5 for me. I think maybe issue #0 would be 3/4 but the rest were so well done that it would make the whole thing a 5. The fact that it is so similar to Walking Dead and still made me want to keep reading speaks volumes I think, because I tried to start reading 28 Days from BOOM and just couldn't get very far.

Are you referring to the Garth Ennis Crossed or the David Lapham 2nd Crossed series. I am enjoying the Lapham series much more than the Ennis series.
The original Ennis series. I'm liking Family Values as well and can't wait for the next mini, Psychopath.

I like the narrative a lot more in the Ennis series, very well written. The art has been great for both of the series but I'd probably say I prefer the first series again.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:07 pm
by BobBretall
comicm wrote:Personally after reading Marvel's Sneak Peeks I don't think they do the book justice in the clips they choose to display. Yes you can get a feeling for the art but I would not count on them for story.
I agree with you here. I'm more likely to decide AGAINST getting a book after I see what Marvel has decided to show in those sneak peek books than anything else.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 9:29 am
by comicm
This weekend I got caught up on some Doom Patrol. These were all (5/5) for me and my tastes.

Doom Patrol #13 Loved the Rita story. I thought this was fantastic
Doom Patrol #16 - For my eyes Giffen was meant to draw the Doom Patrol. This was visually stunning for me.

Doom Patrol #17-18- The Aristocrats really really worked for me on every level.

Also got caught up in Doc Savage and none of them were 5/5s but I will say the Justice Inc. backup is a 5/5 for me. I love Justice Inc. and wish this was a ongoing.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:27 pm
by comicm
Dracula Company of Monsters #5-6. Story just kicked into high gear for me. While I have always thought this book was fantastic, these two issues really peaked my interest. I am very much looking forward to issue 7. I love the Dracula character and the scientist who helped bring him back. Fiancee is creepy. (5/5)

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:19 pm
by comicm
Avengers Academy #7 featuring Hank Pym as Giant-man was a perfect issue for me. Loved this issue. Art was fantastic as well (5/5)