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Quote of the Week - LCS Edition

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:21 am
by RadConsv
So I walked into a new LCS yesterday and the owner starts talking to me (and trying to get me to establish a pull list). He asks me "So who do you like?" I mention I am an X-Men fan he then pulls me over to a display cabinet and shows me a display of every X-men #1 that came out last week (with the 1 in 100 variant priced at $550.00 and a white variant cover (I am guessing it is a 1:5 variant) for $7.00 then he says...

"You definitely want to buy these, because in 5 years everyone will be chasing them like they do with X-men #1"

Really? I thought to myself. I was thinking he must mean the 1960's #1. So i asked him and he said no I mean these and plops every cover from the 1991 X-Men series. All in poor shape priced at $10 - $15 each.

So yeah.... Anyone want to take a wager on the life expetency of this shop? Oh by the way he has "limited edition" silly bands on sale for a premium mark up!

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:37 am
by Trev
What you don't realize Hank, is that you have just made the biggest discovery in human history! Somehow, there is a time bubble around or near that shop that transports everybody to 1995.

We've got to figure out how this guy is moving so easily in time to get current books, but still maintain a presence in 1995.


From what I read in the comic-con magazine this year, there are only 6.5m copies of x-men #1 available.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:42 pm
by BadDeacon
Tell him that I have a stack of Turok #1s that I'll let go at teh bargain price of $5 each ;)