One side effect of cutting down your list is that you get "dropped title remorse". I went from about 85 to 90 books a month to 55 books. That was huge amount of books to drop.
One of things I realized was that I am overall a DC guy and I dropped way too many DC titles that I would probably just go back to in a couple of months if I hear anything good them. So, I decided to re-look at my Marvel and DC split and realized I was getting ALOT of Marvel books. I realized that there were some Marvel books that I was getting just because of the art but really couldn't remember the details of the story, like Eternals, X-Force, and Runaways (sorry Bob but I really like Ramos art on this book). I also looked at what I was thinking of adding:
X-Men Kingbreaker - This ties into the whole War of Kings thing, but Yost is just an ok writer to me and I got the first mini he did on Vulcan and thought it was ok. So I decided to pass on this one and get only the DnA crossover issues.
Ms. Marvel and War Machine - These two I know nothing about the new direction because of the lack of details from Marvel, but thought since they are related to Dark Reign, I was going to try them out. (In Ms Marvel's case, try it out again). Well, since these two characters aren't my favorite and they are already changing the art team for the next issue for Ms. Marvel - I decided to pass on these two.
I also already decided not to add the new Punisher comic that is coming out in January to my list. I am getting tired of Marvel relaunching that book every other year.
I also dropped Ultimate FF and X-Men and wait until I get the first parts of the story I already pre-ordered last month.
Avengers Initiative is on my watch list because I don't think I could buy 4 Avengers books (5 if you include the soon to be release Secret Warriors book).
So what did I add back:
Teen Titans - This was a mistake to drop. I went through my collection last week and realized that even though I haven't loved the last few issues, I have enjoyed the book and I am going to stick with them since this is one of my favorite titles since I started collecting. Of course, since I am a DC continuity freak, I have to try out Terror Titans and Titans for a little longer, especially since TT probably will end up tieing back with the regular series.
Booster Gold - I dropped it since DC was fill-in happy but since Dan Jurgens is the new writer, it is back on my list
Green Arrow/ Black Canary - Two of favorite characters of all-time, but I haven't love the past few issues. However, with a new writer and I back on.
I am also going to try the first issue of the Vigilante.
It also helps that DCBS had these books at 50% for December
If I was getting 90 comics a month like I was getting, then I wouldn't have this problem and get all the comics that I posted above. The problem isn't that I didn't like the books, the problem is to decide which ones of the books I should get that fall into the "good but not great" category. I decided since I am an old-time DC fan, I probably enjoy the DC books more in the long-run. So for my December order, I ended up a 50/50 split between my DC and Marvel books, got some independent books as well, and kept my total list of comics (not including trades and magazines) to 59 books.
Of course, I had to send an e-mail to DCBS to add some of the DC books that I had dropped to my November order