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Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 5:35 am
by comicm
Birds of Pray #8 Gail Simone dialog was some of her best ever. The Penguin scene was amazing. Guillem March is one of my favorite artists period. I have always liked his style in Gotham City Sirens but man this issue really stood out to me. Great story with the Calculator. The cover by Stanley Lau was one of the best covers of the year(5/5)

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 7:42 am
by comicm
Gotham City Sirens 20-21 Harley goes after Joker in Arkham. I absolutely loved every single page of this story until it was interrupted with the Azrael crossover from Batman and Red Robin. I loved the analysis she did on the Arkham employees to break in. One of the best in the series. There have been a lot of 5/5 for me with this book but I believe this is the first that was not written by Dini.

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:07 am
by abysslord
Skullkickers #7: What a great issue. The art and colors, as always, were great. The story was intriguing, especially with bringing back the assassin from issue #1. The humor was good, and the final page finally giving us the two characters' names was a great idea too.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:12 pm
by abysslord
abysslord wrote:Skullkickers #7: What a great issue. The art and colors, as always, were great. The story was intriguing, especially with bringing back the assassin from issue #1. The humor was good, and the final page finally giving us the two characters' names was a great idea too.
Guess what, Skullkickers #8 is 5/5 too. Almost Monty Python humor mixed with a great fantasy story ... and again, love the art/colors. Definitely a great series so far. I loved the whole 'gun' stuff.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 6:50 am
by Paul Nolan
my first two reads this week were incredible.


This issue was simply sensational!!

First Cosby / McCool / Temura show the comic world how to do a recap page. Then they go and show the world how to make sound work well in a comic. Then they go and show the world how to make a series of comic panels into a true cinematic experience.

Again, This issue was simply sensational!!

Ultimate Comics X-Men #2

Yes I hate $3.99 Marvel comics, but due to former works of Spencer and Medina I find myself willing to shell out the money for this.

This issue is amazing. The voices that Nick Spencer puts on the ‘team’ just sound right; they ring perfectly true, and Medina’s art has just been refined and refined and refined since his work on Suicide Squad issue #2. Its near perfect now.

I would recommend this comic to anybody without a moments thought.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:01 am
by mguy1977
5/5 books lately
DCnU #1s
Justice League (It has action out the wazoo, eagerly await issue 2)

Action Comics (New Deal Superman for a modern time-- I want more!)

Superman (words w/ lots of action blended perfectly - I want more doubled!)

Batman (interesting start to the story & the art in the Batcave was captivating)

Catwoman (Winick & March have not failed me so far-- solid story, cheesecake art of Catwoman in fine form & non cheesecake art that works w/ the story)

All Star Western (a great starting point w/ art that drew me in from the first page & I do want more ASAP!)

non DC

Criminal Last of the Innocent (Noir crime storytelling told at very best w/ art to match, every issue of this mini was 5 star worthy)

Daredevil (ok we are over the post Brubaker crap & the first four issues hooked me in & I was glad you had mini story arcs no long 6 issue commitment)

Usagi Yojimbo (Yes it is black & white comics, but it is quality b&W comics, the recent two parter at the inn mystery (Usagi 139 & 140) was appealing to the eye of Stan Sakai's talent in the medium.


Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:20 pm
by BoomerZ
mguy1977 wrote:5/5 books lately
DCnU #1s

Action Comics (New Deal Superman for a modern time-- I want more!)

All Star Western (a great starting point w/ art that drew me in from the first page & I do want more ASAP!)

I agree with you wholeheartedly on these two.

Out of the DCnU #1s, I would also probably give a 5/5 rating to the first issues of Animal Man and Batgirl.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:47 pm
by mguy1977
BoomerZ wrote:
I agree with you wholeheartedly on these two.

Out of the DCnU #1s, I would also probably give a 5/5 rating to the first issues of Animal Man and Batgirl.
Well I gave Batgirl #1 a 3/5 rating. As I didn't love it but I didn't hate it either. However, I will give Batgirl a few more issues to see where it is going. I have no interest in Animal Man but I did enjoy Swamp Thing #1 & 2 giving them both strong 4/5 ratings. As for Wonder Woman & Stormwatch both were dropped after the first issues they were not worth the paper they were printed on (cough) Azzarello Superman For Tomorrow (cough). Stormwatch just bored me to tears not even a Superman mention can save the book.


Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:48 pm
by abysslord
Amazing Spider-Man #679.1

First of all, this actually DOES follow what Marvel said their point one issues would do. This is very accessible and gives you a good idea where everything is at with Spider-Man now.

But even as a normal issue this was a great read. A complete story that gave you a recap and an ending that will lead into future stories, I assume.

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:22 pm
by Perry
abysslord wrote:Amazing Spider-Man #679.1

First of all, this actually DOES follow what Marvel said their point one issues would do.
Get you to spend money?
I keed, I keed. Glad you enjoyed it. I picked it up at the LCS and almost bought it solely for the antagonist involved.

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:29 pm
by comicm
Three from DC that I really liked this month:

All Star Western #6
Animal Man #6

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:37 am
by abysslord
Morning Glories #17.

An issue almost entirely made up of dialogue between two characters but never gets boring and feels pretty real. Throw in some great flashbacks, a weird section, and a great ending .... Nick keeps hitting home runs with this series.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 3:43 pm
by comicm
OMAC 8 what a perfect ending to a perfect comic book. I am really going to miss the one comic book on the shelf that made me feel like a kid again.

Batgirl 8 probably my favorite issue of this new 52 version of the character. Loved the Re-imaging of a key event in Barbaras life. Also loved the cliffhanger

Batman and Robin #8. Loved the scenes between Bruce and Damian. Great follow up to issue 7

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:23 pm
by comicm
The Li'L Depressed Boy Vol 0,1 and 2 from Image Comics. I loved it so much I had to go to Comixology and buy the next single issue. The story is very slice of life and simple but I was sucked in. Each issue is like a 4/5 but as a whole I would rate it a 5/5.

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 9:51 pm
by BobBretall
John & I both gave Danger Club #1 a 5/5