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Re: "All-in"?
Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:35 am
by BobBretall
simonuk wrote:I find with the multiple batman books that i find one or two of them that gets me my fill without getting all the books in that family of titles, which often mean following a creator less to my tastes in at least one book.
For example? I'm interested in this. I used to follow titles, but with all the renumbering I now mostly follow creators & will drop a title when the team switches to someone not to my tastes.
Re: "All-in"?
Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:09 am
by JohnMayo
One thing I'm taking from this entire thread is that fewer people are all-in to any degree than may have been the case a few years ago. This also makes sense given the number of relaunches, changes in direction, reboots and other jumping off points the publishers have given readers.
With most groups of titles, there is a clear front runner and the others are selling much less. This implies that with multiple titles featuring a particular character or group that readers will follow the one that they like best and skip the others. When given a choice of creative teams on a property, it makes sense for readers to gravitate to the one they like best.
Re: "All-in"?
Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:38 am
by HipHopHead
I am not "All-in" with either Marvel or DC.
DC dropped the ball with me after the "zero" issues. I was picking quite bit of the new 52, but the "zero" issue let the air out of the balloon for me. I have not purchased on DC52 books in quite a while.
Marvel NOW!! I find far more interesting, I am picking up via subscription, with the free digital on $3.99 books makes it a bargain:
Avengers Assemble
Captain America
Fantastic Four
New Avengers
Superior Spider-Man
Thor: God of Thunder
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man
Ultimate Comics Ultimates
Ultimate Comics X-Men
What is good to me about most of Marvel NOW, I don't have the crossover...yet. I can read most of the titles above without having to read another Marvel title. I was "All-in" on the Ultimate line at Marvel. I am picking up the Marvel mini-series Age of Ultron, Thanos Rising & Ultimate Comics Miniseries via DCBS.
I am "All-in" with Valiant Entertainment. I also take advantage of the digital sales at Comixology when I find books interesting.
Re: "All-in"?
Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:08 pm
by simonuk
BobBretall wrote:simonuk wrote:I find with the multiple batman books that i find one or two of them that gets me my fill without getting all the books in that family of titles, which often mean following a creator less to my tastes in at least one book.
For example? I'm interested in this. I used to follow titles, but with all the renumbering I now mostly follow creators & will drop a title when the team switches to someone not to my tastes.
Re-reading my original message im not sure if I gave the impression I have to follow creators less to my taste, I meant to say that if I just read all the bat books I would have to follow creators less to my taste. Anyway, for example pre-relaunch i read incorporated and detective, this meant i could read stories in the batman universe i have a traditional attachment to, without compromising on creator quality being a fan of Morrison/Pacquette and Scott Snyder and his accompanying artists. However, in this i was never really tested because it was easy to find several good books and i could then swap from detective to the main title when snyder moved post relaunch. Id like to think that if there wasn't a creator i cared for on any of the bat books I'd drop them all but i can't guarantee it if i'm honest. In reality a drop in creator quality over a whole family of books would dawn upon me gradually and it would be a while before I decided to get no batman books, or there'd would be one new creator and i'd think "i'll give him a go." I always thought I was purely a creator follower but having considered this issue before making these posts its seems i'm maybe not so much as I thought.
Re: "All-in"?
Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 2:54 pm
by Royal
JohnMayo wrote:Royal wrote:From what I've heard, most readers get the monthly titles from the Big Two's mainstream (primarily superhero) offerings, and then with their more alternative stuff, such as Vertigo, or with other publishers such as Image, Dark Horse, or Oni, they many times wait for the trades.
That does seem to be what the conventional wisdom would indicate. I question the accuracy of that. Maybe it is right, maybe it isn't. I, for one, don't like taking it as a given with no data to support it.
I'd be curious to see any data surrounding the "all in" phenomenon, who the readers are, what they buy monthly versus in trade, etc.
Re: "All-in"?
Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 3:05 pm
by JohnMayo
Royal wrote:I'd be curious to see any data surrounding the "all in" phenomenon, who the readers are, what they buy monthly versus in trade, etc.
This is one of many reasons I'd love to have end reader sales information.
Re: "All-in"?
Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:36 pm
by the1captain
I've been a fan for almost 25 years. But I've never been "all in". Currently Valiant is the only one I am technically. They make it easy with only a small amount of books to follow. But even that will be tested soon as I have little interest in the new Quantum & Woody series they are putting out.
I jump all over as I follow what interest me in good stories, characters, ect. I'm not big on continuity to the degree some are.
I was always big on DC. But lately I've been dropping them and moving more towards Marvel. I admit some of that is easier access. I'm reading more Marvel due to getting digital codes from friends, cheap on ebay, ect. Don't get me wrong. Liking what I'm reading. But not enough to pay full price for.
Re: "All-in"?
Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:36 pm
by comicm
Dark Horse - About 10 books/month
DC - All In (DC and Vertigo) 100%
IDW - 65% in
Image - 65% in
Dynamite - 70% in
Valiant - 100% in
Marvel - 50% in
Zenoscope - 50%
Titan - 100%
Amigo Comics - 100%
Action Lab - 50%
Aspen - 50%
Avatar - 100%
Big Dog Ink 100% except for the Oz book and tie ins
Black Mask 100%
Boom - 20%
Titan - 80%
and Oni - 1 book
My Image has been climbing of late because I get all new #1s and have enjoyed almost all of them.
Re: "All-in"?
Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 10:37 pm
by BobBretall
comicm wrote:Dark Horse - About 10 books/month
DC - All In (DC and Vertigo) 100%
IDW - 65% in
Image - 65% in
Dynamite - 70% in
Valiant - 100% in
Marvel - 50% in
Zenoscope - 50%
Titan - 100%
Amigo Comics - 100%
Action Lab - 50%
Aspen - 50%
Avatar - 100%
Big Dog Ink 100% except for the Oz book and tie ins
Black Mask 100%
Boom - 20%
Titan - 80%
and Oni - 1 book
My Image has been climbing of late because I get all new #1s and have enjoyed almost all of them.
How many books are you getting per month now? Seems like a LOT.
Re: "All-in"?
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:51 pm
by Perry
Wow. Yeah, that's well over 200 books a month.
Re: "All-in"?
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:20 pm
by comicm
It is an average of 236 Comics with Marvel's double shipping per month. Not including Trades or HCs.
Re: "All-in"?
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:31 pm
by JohnMayo
comicm wrote:It is an average of 236 Comics with Marvel's double shipping per month. Not including Trades or HCs.
Wow. I'm impressed. I'm getting around four dozen comics a week. You are getting another four dozen or so a month over
How big is your collection?
Re: "All-in"?
Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:51 pm
by comicm
Approximately 46,000 comics I have 36,000 cataloged in Comicbase and about 10,000 that still need to be entered in.
Re: "All-in"?
Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:46 am
by Gilgabob
Love is in the air.