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did you pull the trigger? - i thought it was really good
yes, read it, liked it, put it on my pull list faster than lightning
from the looks of it we might get some insight into the post-SW marvel here, would be very surprised if they give any big revelations in this book but can always hope!
...and i was thinking to cut some comics from the list, no time to read them all, luckily marvel publishes so slow and with many delays so i can maybe catch up
also got all back-issues of Mockingbird but today i hear that was cancelled with issue 8... so got room for Jessica Jones.
The week of October 26th
Conan The Slayer #4 (Dark Horse)
Generation Zero #3 (Valiant)
Mycroft #3 (Titan)
Skybourne #2 (Boom)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #8 (Boom)
Street Fighter Unlimited #11 (Udon)
Outcast #22 (Image)
Wolfcop #1 (Dynamite)
GI Joe A Real American Hero #233 (Idw)
X-Files Origins #3 (Idw)
Action Man Revolution #1 (Idw)
Spook House #1 (Albatross)
Rick and Morty #19 (Oni)
Evil Dead 2 Dark Ones Rising #2 (Space Goat)
Evil Dead 2 Revenge of Jack The Ripper One Shot (Space Goat)
Future Quest #6 (DC)
Also a few notes on a couple books recently purchased that I finally read.
1. Lost Boys #1 from DC/Vertigo was good and I will read the entire mini series.
2. Star Trek Boldly Go #1 from Idw was excellent! Bringing in one of the great villains in Star Trek lore.
3. The Revolution event from Idw with the Hasbro properties has been a lot of fun so far. I wouldn't recommend it for everyone, but as a fan of many of these properties and as someone with a soft spot for certain nostalgia, I am greatly enjoying this event.
Week of November 2nd
Cryptocracy #5 (Dark Horse)
Revolution #4 (Idw)
Rom #4 (Idw)
Nailbiter #26 (Image)
Walking Dead #160 (Image)
Moon Knight #8 (Marvel)
Army of Darkness Xena #2 (Dynamite)
Six Million Dollar Man #4 (Dynamite)
Motor Girl #1 (Abstract)
And of course I'm reading most of Marvel through Unlimited and getting DC from DCBS.
Comics Releasing 10/19 - i'll miss you Mockingbird
Archie Comics
1. ARCHIE #13 $3.99
2. BLACK HAMMER #4 $3.99
3. HARROW COUNTY #17 $3.99
4. SPELL ON WHEELS #1 $3.99
6. ASTRO CITY #40 $3.99
7. BATMAN #9 $2.99
10. NIGHTWING #7 $2.99
11. SUPERMAN #9 $2.99
12. TRINITY #2 $2.99
CloneConspiracy #2 a marvel event that doesnt double ship at start, might we see them actually deliver (most) issues when solicited
Gwenpool #8
InvincibleIronMan #1
Uncanny XMen #15(?)
maybe spidey/deadpool #11 its another fill-in this month
Week of November 9th
Evil Dead 2 Krampus One-Shot (Space Goat)
Spirit Hunters #1 (Zenoscope)
Lost Boys #2 (DC/Vertigo) - First issue was good.
Scooby Apocalypse #7 (DC)
Batman/TMNT Adventures #1 (DC)
The Mummy #1 (Titan) - Looking forward to this!
Brigands #1 (Action Lab) - Read this already. Didn't do much for me. For similar, better series read Black Road from Image or Dragon Age Magekiller from Dark Horse.
NiklasJ wrote:
GreenValley #1,2 (hope they have it...)
Did Ya get it ? I thought First issue was fantastic can't wait to read 2
Got both #1 and #2, haven´t read yet (comic wednesdays are thursdays in sweden)
Funny thing is the shop owner told me it was really good, but he hadn´t ordered it until i asked him to reorder issue 1 and add it to my list. I read way too much solicits
NiklasJ wrote:
GreenValley #1,2 (hope they have it...)
Did Ya get it ? I thought First issue was fantastic can't wait to read 2
Excellent first issue, slower second issue, a common problem with the indies they take awhile to get started and by that time they run into delays or a very long "planned" hiatus (im looking at you The Dying and the Dead, copperhead, trees, injection, pretty deadly, black magic and more...).
Building a new world and its characters needs to get done fast or reader will loose interest (imo), no time for taking it slow, if i wanted a tough 100 pages of setup and patience trial i would be reading Umberto Eco.
But this is supposed to be a 9(7?) issue mini so should be easier to get out on time. Also the creators are total pros so im having faith on this one
Black Hammer #5 (Dark Horse) - Good book.
Spell on Wheels #2 (Dark Horse) - If this issue doesn't grab me I'm out.
GI Joe Revolution (Idw) - Already read this. I liked it a lot.
Micronauts #7 (Idw)
Star Trek Waypoint #2 (Idw)
Hadrian's Wall #3 (Image) - Liking this series so far.
Reborn #2 (Image) - First issue was intriguing.
Carnage #14 (Marvel)
Northguard #3 (Chapterhouse) - Fun stuff.
Vampire Hunter D #1 (Stranger) - Read this, thought it was very good. (Long time fan)