Web comics the wave of the future?

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Christian Beranek
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Web comics the wave of the future?

Post by Christian Beranek »

Hey all, wanted to know what people thought about the rise of web comics and how it will effect comics in general. I work on and promote two web comics in particular: http://www.superfrat.com and Emma Caulfield's http://www.contropussy.com We've had success with merchandise and some book editions.

My take: Certain titles work for the web and other don't. They are a great way to build an audience, but you will always need some sort of printed material for fans.
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Post by BobBretall »

Personally, I really don't care for reading comics sitting at the computer, but I am happy to sample a comic on the web to determine if I want to buy it.

For instance, I checked out FreakAngels on the web, determined I like it, and I buy the trades when they come out now, but I never go to the web-site to read it.

I think it's generational, though. My kids (15 & 19) love reading comics on their computers, so maybe the wave of the future while fossils like me are mired in print.....
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