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This is the place to discuss the episodes of the Comic Book Page podcast, the Comic Book Page website or pretty much anything else of interest to the Comic Book Page community...

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Post by BadDeacon »

Hey folks, I just joined the board. My name is Sean.

I started reading GI Joe off the spinner rack as a kid, then found the local comic shop a year or so later and graduated to Wolverine and X-Men. I got really into Valiant Comics during the Unity crossover. I later got into more indie stuff, and was reading Sandman, Flaming Carrot, Milk & Cheese, The Tick, Madman, and stuff like that by the time I started high school.

Got "gas & perfume disease" for a while in high school and college, but found my way back to comics around 2000/2001. I became a big DC fan, and I've been into comics since.

I started my Only The Valiant podcast a year and a half ago, and that's still going strong. We talk about all things Valiant Comics and valiant related, and stray into other comic related topics all the time. We're not really "only" Valiant.

I've been digging more smaller press and independent stuff lately, that stuff seems to be pushing comics where I think they need to go to become a respected medium in the eyes of society at large.

I do love me some Green Lantern though, and I've been pretty juiced lately, because GL has been slamming for about 4 years now.
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Post by BobBretall »

BadDeacon wrote:I do love me some Green Lantern though, and I've been pretty juiced lately, because GL has been slamming for about 4 years now.
Welcome to the board, Sean!

PS: I agree with you about GL, it's been kicking (bleep) since Rebirth!
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Post by Trev »

BadDeacon wrote:Hey folks, I just joined the board. My name is Sean.
what up, Sean! If you're around next friday at 5 pacific, there's the Previews skype call where we all hang out, talk comics, and go through Previews. I use it to fill out my DCBS order, but it works for non-DCBS people too (can't remember if you use them or not).

You can hop on whenever you want. It usually runs 4 or 5 hours.
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Location: San Frantastic, CA

Post by BadDeacon »

Trev wrote:what up, Sean! If you're around next friday at 5 pacific, there's the Previews skype call where we all hang out, talk comics, and go through Previews. I use it to fill out my DCBS order, but it works for non-DCBS people too (can't remember if you use them or not).

You can hop on whenever you want. It usually runs 4 or 5 hours.
I'm usually throwing back a couple of beers by 5pm Friday, but I may be around from time to time ;)
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Post by BobBretall »

BadDeacon wrote:
Trev wrote:what up, Sean! If you're around next friday at 5 pacific, there's the Previews skype call where we all hang out, talk comics, and go through Previews. I use it to fill out my DCBS order, but it works for non-DCBS people too (can't remember if you use them or not).

You can hop on whenever you want. It usually runs 4 or 5 hours.
I'm usually throwing back a couple of beers by 5pm Friday, but I may be around from time to time ;)
We're usually going from 5pm to 9 or 10pm pacific, feel free to come & go as you can during the course of the call. People are usually enjoying frosty beverages as we chat.....
Booster Gold
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Post by Booster Gold »

Hello All,
Name is Shawn and have been reading comics most of my life (32 years), but really got hooked with Detective Comics #588 and the wonderful Norm Breyfogle art.
I'm just outside of Chicago and read anywhere between 50-100 comics per month.
Looking forward to being part of the Community and participating!
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Location: Seattle, WA

Post by Cromics »

Great Podcast! I discovered you guys via the link that DCBS has on their site. Been listening for about 8 weeks now, and I think you guys do a really great job. The thing I appreciate most about the Podcast is simply the sincere love of comics that you guys have, it really comes across in your reviews and I admire that.

Anyway I'm Corey. 36, Married and twin daughters who know more about the X-Men than I do! They read my X-Men Essentials religiously..I'm very proud.

My first comic was Web of Spiderman #1, given to me by my neighbor. He had a subscription and the post office had mangled it all up, so he gave it to me and bought a fresh one at the LCS. I was confused, why was Spidey in that black costume? I had to find answers! Thus began 24 years of wonder and amazement....and, of course, I got that answer. I currently read about 45 monthly titles, and 5 or 6 trades every month. I love shopping for back issues, I don't care about condition, I read them all. Recently I found a run of issues 1-58 of L.E.G.I.O.N. Stoked because I am also enjoying the new R.E.B.E.L.S. title!

I am a Daredevil, Hawkman, Superman, Nova/Guardians of the Galaxy fan mostly...but I read ALL kinds of comics. Marvel,DC,Indies,Manga..all of it!

I look forward to more of your podcasts, I also thought you'd like to know, I added FVZA to my DCBS order because of the interview you did with David Hine..sounds awesome!
Christian Beranek
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Post by Christian Beranek »

Hey all, Christian Beranek here. I co-run Disney's Kingdom Comics and have my own production company Lead Pipe Entertainment. You can check out everything via my personal website

Looking forward to some great discussions!
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Post by BobBretall »

Welcome, Christian!!!

Hey, you did the Dracula vs. King Arthur mini that came out a few years ago, didn't you? I picked up the trade about a year ago while traveling (in Dallas @ Zeus comics) and it made the plane ride home just "fly" by.
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Post by Gardnerisgod »

Hey All,

My Name is TJ. Been listening to the show since the inception and was looking for a new board to frequent and decided to jump over here.

I am mostly a DC guy but dabble in Indie and some other companies (As long as there is No big M in the corner or have been touched by Quesada).

CBP is always one of the first shows i listen to whenever it comes out. and i love the insight that the guys provide.

I am the Co-host of the F BombCast podcast where we talk about a lot of pop culture things but be warned if you give us a shot, We are not for the feint of heart.

I don't know what else to say so i think I will end it there.
Visit my Website:
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Post by AndrewN »

Hi guys,

I'm Andrew, 33, married and with a 3yr old son, and I'm a huge comics fan. Been listening to your podcasts for ages now and thought I'd finally join the forums and say hello :)

I'm originally from Australia, now living in the US (over 7 yrs). I started reading comics in the 80s, picking up what I could with my pocket money from the newsagents every month. Not only did I enjoy the stories and art, but I also found the ads fascinating - all those shows and stuff you guys had on the other side of the world. I mostly picked up Marvel or some of those Disney comics. Didn't mind The Phantom either. I collected comics for a couple of years until they no longer turned up at the newsagents, and I got into computers instead. I'm not sure if we had comic stores back then, but I never saw any.

Over the years I'd pick up a few trades (Transmetropolitan, Sandman, Tintin, among others), but didn't seek out much else. Flash forward to early 2008 and the trade publication of the comic adaptation of Stephen King's Dark Tower series. I've read all except the last volume of the novels, so I was interested to see how it'd work in comic form. A lot of the reviews I'd seen mentioned they greatly preferred the single issues, since they had additional content including sketches and stories. I hopped on over to ebay and picked up the individual issues, and while I was there also bought a handful of other things, mostly Marvel. I was completely blown away by the story, art, and the general quality of the books. Definitely better in nearly every respect than the newsprint issues I'd been buying in the 80s!

Well, you can probably guess what happened next! I started picking up bunches of issues online and found it starting to get a bit expensive, so I switched to Heroes Corner. The LCS down the street went out of business the year before I resumed collecting, and the next nearest is 20 mins away, so I don't visit there very often. HC seems like a good alternative. I was trying anything and everything, and really enjoyed the whole Secret Invasion event, aside from the lackluster ending. Now I'm picking up 70+ titles a month and getting way behind on my reading. Every time I cut a handful, I find more cool stuff in Previews or mentioned in podcasts and the tally goes back up again. Oh well. My collection is currently up around 2500 issues, plus several dozen trades.

I have a degree in Computer Systems Engineering and work as a software engineer on embedded systems. Not only do I collect comics, but I'm also into bonsai, organic gardening, writing fiction, and iphone app development, among other things. I've got a productivity app in the App Store currently, and now working on my second (a game). I'm looking forward to seeing what the new iPad can do for comics. Comics on the iPhone aren't bad, but I much prefer reading the dead tree variety.

I really enjoy listening to the Mayo Report and Spotlight episodes on my daily commute and while working-out. It passes the time like nothing else. Keep up the great work, guys!
Posts: 67
Joined: Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:46 pm

Post by deadpool »

Hey Guys

I got a feeling i know alot of you guys through other comic podcast boards anyway but for those i don't know ...

my Real name is Eddie Edmends, Deadpool name actually comes from a happy accident when signing in to comic boards in the first place. but a few know my by this name know so i stick with it

While my Main Job is Writing for theatre, film and TV, I'm also an actor, director, set designer and teacher .

I mainly work form home which means i listen to a tone of podcast (90% of which are comics based) i love them and never have enough

I'm Australian and extremly proud of it, although my favorite city is New York and i will hopefully be doing some work there for a few months later in the year

As you may Guess Deadpool is my favorite character. i have every comic he appears in (even the one panel apps) but luckly set the rule long ago it dosen't count covers or alternate universe versions

My joining here is long over due as i love all the comic book page casts but i do think Mayo Report is one of the most important casts out there in terms of comic book discussion, my local comic store owner and i discuss the new episodes for ages. I'm very lucky in that i get to discuss alot of buisness with my LCS manager that he wouldn't normally talk about.

see you on the boards
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Post by BobBretall »

deadpool wrote:my local comic store owner and i discuss the new episodes for ages. I'm very lucky in that i get to discuss alot of buisness with my LCS manager that he wouldn't normally talk about.
What is the shop called & where (what city) is it in? We can give them a shout out on the next Mayo report....
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Joined: Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:46 pm

Post by deadpool »

BobBretall wrote:
deadpool wrote:my local comic store owner and i discuss the new episodes for ages. I'm very lucky in that i get to discuss alot of buisness with my LCS manager that he wouldn't normally talk about.
What is the shop called & where (what city) is it in? We can give them a shout out on the next Mayo report....
Its "Comics R Us" in Melbourne Australia, best store if your ever down under it is a spot to go for comics shopping, if you want to know how to run a comic store this is one up there with Brain Hibbs and Sims. and from what i've seen move more single issues then the some of the best US stores despite comics being twice the price in Australia 2.99 =5.99 ,3.99= 7.99. its very interesting comparing aussie comics market to US. which is why i asked if Diamond List is US or International . but i'm ranting now
U. H. Flak
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Read all about me

Post by U. H. Flak »


My name is John. My handle is a pseudonym. I'm a 'computer guy' and live in NJ, USA.

For the past six months, I've been listening to the various comicbookpage podcasts. Due to the structure of the direct market, the previous episodes are my favorites. (Thanks to everyone who has contributed.)

In '89, I was infected with the Marvel zombie virus. In '95, the virus wore off due to all but one of my favorites titles being terrible or canceled.

I stopped reading comics regularly until the Watchmen movie.

Quick facts
  • first comic => Incredible Hulk #305

    first canceled comic line => Razorline

    first favorite team title => New Warriors

    first favorite title => Quasar

    first crossover => Atlantis Attacks
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