This is the place to discuss the episodes of the Comic Book Page podcast, the Comic Book Page website or pretty much anything else of interest to the Comic Book Page community...
Congratulations, John! I heard the good news on last week's show. I know you weren't able to buy as many comics as you would have liked for a while, but I never found the show's quality to be impacted. It's still one of my favorite podcasts.
Master of the Mystic Arts wrote:Congratulations, John! I heard the good news on last week's show. I know you weren't able to buy as many comics as you would have liked for a while, but I never found the show's quality to be impacted. It's still one of my favorite podcasts.
One of the great things about podcasting is that it is so inexpensive. Aside from the website costs and domain names which I only have to pay once a year, there is no incremental cost to the show other than buying new comics to read.
There will be a ramp-up period over the next couple of weeks as I try to fill in the gaps that have accumulated during my unemployment and catch up on my reading. Hopefully we can expand our selection list back to what it once was fairly quickly.
Let me just add that this month's May Report (Comics) episode was one of the best ever (and I've been listening since the beginning). It's very scary that no books cracked 100,000 units. The next few years are going to be very tough for the comics industry.
adampasz wrote:Let me just add that this month's May Report (Comics) episode was one of the best ever (and I've been listening since the beginning). It's very scary that no books cracked 100,000 units. The next few years are going to be very tough for the comics industry.
adampasz wrote:Let me just add that this month's May Report (Comics) episode was one of the best ever (and I've been listening since the beginning). It's very scary that no books cracked 100,000 units. The next few years are going to be very tough for the comics industry.
Trev wrote:
The Austin Books big sale is coming up -- Labor day weekend I think.
Good point. I think between that, DCBS, Comic-Con and I should be able to find everything I need. DCBS has been a huge help in filling in the gaps.