Cinco De Mayo Celebration!!!!

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Cinco De Mayo Celebration!!!!

Post by jrphoenix »

Eric from deep discount comics started this post on the slack channel. I wanted to share it here. Please join me in donating $5 to John for hosting this site and the podcast!!!

Hello everybody! It's a festive time of year for those of us who live "up nort". The sun is showing, and gosh darn it the temperature stays above freezing 6 1/2 days out of 7! But that's not a reason to celebrate ... May 1st is May Day, and May Day baskets are a a thing? But I'm not talking about that ... I am talking about Cinco de Mayo!
That's right, Cinco de Mayo is a yearly celebration held on May 5, which commemorates the anniversary of Mexico's victory over the French Empire at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. Why is this so important you ask? Well, if you don't live in Mexcio, I would hazzard a guess that it is not all that important to you, other than to drink Corona, Dos Equis, and Margaritas ...
BUUUUUUUUUUT we can make it even more special. I would like to start something this year that is a bit more ... appreciative in flavor. A way we can give back, shall we say. So I am going to challenge as many of us as possible to donate $5 to John on May 5th (get it Cinco (5) de Mayo) :joy: Now if it doesn't fit in your budget, please don't worry about it. Most of us have great intentions of sharing a bit of cheddar with John, but forget as we go about our daily lives. So, here is THE LINK to donate via PayPal to John.
Thanks in advance, and Happy Cinco de Mayo! And see my photo to kick this off!
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