Recommendation Round Tables

This is the place to discuss the episodes of the Comic Book Page podcast, the Comic Book Page website or pretty much anything else of interest to the Comic Book Page community...

Moderator: JohnMayo

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Recommendation Round Tables

Post by JohnMayo »

The Recommendation Round Table is a new type of episode for the Comic Book Page podcast. It is a chance to recommend to your fellow listeners comic books, novels, video games, television shows and movies people they might enjoy. Many of these sorts of things are available on streaming services such as Kindle Unlimited, Comixology Unlimited, Netflix, Amazon Prime, CBS All-Access, Disney+, Hulu or one of the zillions of other streaming services.

Do each distinct pick as a distinct clip. If you want to consider a series of items as one "pick", that is fine. If you want to consider each item in the series as a "pick", that is fine too.

More smaller picks mean I can alternate between different people easier. There is no minimum or maximum length requirements for these clips. Just be sure to include enough information on how we can find the item, any cost associated with getting the item and, most importantly, why we should check the item out.

These episodes will be a little different from the Previews Spotlights in a few ways:
  • There is no set deadline for these episodes. Once I have "enough" content for an episode, I'll assemble the episode and release it.
  • The show notes will NOT itemize the picks so be sure to include any and all information needed for people to find the item you are recommending.
  • The recommendations are NOT limited to things available on streaming services.
  • Recommendations are NOT limited to new items. Everything is new to someone. If you want to suggest something which has been out of the market for decades or longer, feel free to do so. 
  • If you know that your recommendation is available on a streaming service, please mention the service (and price if you know it).
  • In most cases, picks should not be posted here.
  • If you pick is time sensitive for some reason, such as a discount available for a limited period of time, please let me know ASAP. In those cases, please post the pick here (and on our Slack channel) along with the discount offer. That way if I can't get the clip released in an episode fast enough, people can still take advantage of the discount.
  • You can send in clips whenever you want and as often as you want.
  • The main way to submit clips is via Dropbox:
  • If you have problems with the Dropbox process, you can still email me the clips.
Let me know if you have any questions.
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