We all know that ANAD sells are tanking so I wouldn't be surprised one bit that Marvel may relaunch come fall.
Moderator: JohnMayo
NICK SPENCER:Issue 2 will lay a lot of our cards on the table in terms of what the new status quo is, but the one thing we can say unequivocally is: This is not a clone, not an imposter, not mind control, not someone else acting through Steve. This really is Steve Rogers, Captain America himself.
Read more here: http://www.ew.com/article/2016/05/25/ca ... m-brevoortTom Breevort "His mission is to further the goals and beliefs of Hydra, and if that involves taking down the Marvel universe, then sure. It’s not like he’s exchanged his white hat for a black hat — it’s a green hat. We knew it would be like slapping people in the face. The idea of Captain America means something very primal and very strong to the people of this nation, and they have a very visceral reaction when you get to something like that. You want people to feel and react to your story. So far, so good."
so replying to myselfNiklasJ wrote:... excitement for something that we know next to nothing about. ...
Thank you Mister Ferro. The promo has now been released too - Marvel Now 2.0 Promo Art. Warning, proceed with caution. The promo images may contain spoilers.
Wow - I would say I can't believe they are doing it again but I guess as long as we all play along - the reboots will continue (yeah I'm calling them reboots)
To be fair, its not a line wide reboot affecting all titlesdrew wrote: Wow - I would say I can't believe they are doing it again but I guess as long as we all play along - the reboots will continue (yeah I'm calling them reboots)