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Image doesn't guarantee success. That should give us an idea of what an Image book needs to sell.
super enlightening quote, especially the one in bold:
"Anything selling stably over 10k in single issues is a cause for celebration and joy. The creators are almost certainly extremely happy.
If you’re selling over (ooh) 12k, you’re probably making more than either of the big two would pay you, unless you’re one of the very biggest names.
If you’re selling anything near 20k, you probably have to buy drinks for your friends."
and this is even more:
"On a personal level, we’ve sold over 50,000 copies of the first WicDiv Trade. Last I looked at Amazon’s stats we were selling about 1000 a month via book shops alone (i.e. not including comic shops, which is usually more.) The orders for 12 were 22k. The initial orders of the second trade are up 33% on the first trade. Realistically, we were hoping to stabilise at around 13k, and we’d have been enormously happy with that, even if we weren’t selling trades. Which we are. WicDiv is a ludicrous success, by far the biggest thing in our entire career. And thanks to everyone’s support in achieving that."
nothing on digital sales though, its either less significant that I think it is or they want/need to keep that to themselves
Very interesting links from SpideySavestheDay, Thanks!
Now lets see what TPB sales were in april
197 0.59 $9.99 IMA Copperhead v1: A New Sheriff in Town 779 4,265
could be better i guess...
I like the titles from Image I read but they may be overextending with all their new #1s, they have at least a new ongoing/mini each month, kind of like flooding the market with x-men, avengers or batman books but totally new properties.
John, I just listened to a podcast episode you (and everyone here) might find interesting. In the latest episode of iFanboy, Ron Richards returns to the show. He has concluded his time in the marketing department of Image and gave his co-hosts permission to ask him anything about his time there. I think what Ron says confirms many of the things you report on the Mayo Report...specifically that pre-orders are really the end-all and be-all that determine the fates of titles...not sales at the stands, nor least at Image, and probably at the other publishers, too. He also talked a bit about his perspective that the publishers' real customers are the stores. You probably know much of this, but I thought it was interesting to hear Ron's perspective. The discussion is at the end of the latest episode.
ComicTrekker wrote:John, I just listened to a podcast episode you (and everyone here) might find interesting. In the latest episode of iFanboy, Ron Richards returns to the show. He has concluded his time in the marketing department of Image and gave his co-hosts permission to ask him anything about his time there. I think what Ron says confirms many of the things you report on the Mayo Report...specifically that pre-orders are really the end-all and be-all that determine the fates of titles...not sales at the stands, nor least at Image, and probably at the other publishers, too. He also talked a bit about his perspective that the publishers' real customers are the stores. You probably know much of this, but I thought it was interesting to hear Ron's perspective. The discussion is at the end of the latest episode.
I am gonna listen to that right ron coming back for good, I always liked him
About Darth Vader:(from MayoReport 2015-5-Comics around the 33 minute mark)
My anecdotal incidence from my LCBS is that there are dozens, if not more, DARTH VADER #4, #5 & #6's laying around. Not sure if it means anything...maybe just two shops, geographically close to each other, over ordering because #3 sold-out on release day.
I just listened to your May 2015 Trade Sales podcast. You commented on the big discounts that the Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness and the two Green Hornet trades got. These sales (to the best of my knowledge) had to do with being a part of the May Comic Bento subscription box. A little further down the list was a Black Widow MCU tie-in trade that was in the box too.
From those numbers, it looks like Comic Bento has about 1800 subscribers. I really like it and I just got the June box which came with the Captain America: Winter Soldier Ultimate Collection (Marvel), Captain Midnight Vol 1 (Dark Horse), The Valiant Vol 1 (Valiant), and Terminator: Revolution (Dynamite). I really like getting the box because they usually get a wide variety of publishers, even though the majority of what I buy is DC.
Speculation Ahoy!
What is a strong selling title? Say top 20 and/or over 60k sales?
Star Wars
Darth Vader
Justice League
Amazing Spider-Man
Harley Quinn
Walking Dead
The Mighty Thor
Extraordinary X-Men
Old-Man Logan
Conservative... I dont see any really Big sellers in the new ANAD marvel line-up, though many will hopefully have healthy sales numbers around 30k-50k the audience isnt that big for the smaller (and more diverse) properties. Aaron and Bendis may be able to jumpstart something with DrStrange and IronMan. Hulk, Ant-Man?
NiklasJ wrote:
What is a strong selling title? Say top 20 and/or over 60k sales?
i say top 30/over 50k + I don't count anything under issue #4 or a mini, but that's just me...
So are we trying to guess for Dec 2015, once Marvel books make #4? I'm going with 22. DC & Image will have a #1 or two. Marvel hopefully won't have more than one #1. There could always be a weird LootCrate up there. And it is a five Wednesday month, so that means Annuals too.
Until Marvel gets their #4's in, it will be 15'ish. Although I don't know what DC is doing for Oct. So Oct could be down to just Walking Dead & various Star Wars titles.
From the July Mayo Report:
Simon Baz was/is the Green Lantern that disappeared. I'm not a big GL guy. Does anyone know when his last appearance was & what happened?
John's article on the July sales numbers is up on CBR.
Marvel is still dominating and in a big way. DC is not setting the sales charts on fire with their DCYou initiative. I'm not sure what's going to help them these days.
Nice Archie #1 numbers. I actually thought it would be higher.
Secret Wars and Star Wars still going strong.
A big kudos to The Walking Dead. That comic is what every title from every company would like to be. Yes, the tv show helps. However, alot of these characters are in movie and tv form right now. There is not a property that can touch the Walking Dead in comic and trades sales.
With as many #1s and 2s its still all retailers guesstimates without "anything" (other than experience from similar events/character sales) to inform their orders. Compared to Convergence the Secret Wars event lasts longer, am i correct in assuming the sales for issue 4-5 is an actual number the store expect to sell?
Then everything starts over again at #1 for Marvel...
Item 18, AMS 19.1 is that compared to 18.1? (and not 18 as numbers state)
It really feels like retailers are all in on Secret Wars based on the July info that has been released. DC is really being squeezed by Secret Wars and Star Wars; I have a feeling BatCop will remain in the top ten. It will be interesting to see if retailers are willing to stock more DC while Marvel phases in the new titles. I am sure Marvel will count on Star Wars fortifying their hold over the top spots through the new year.