I would love to see the cover artist category. There are so many great artists (Hughes, Ross, Campbell, Cassaday) that will occasionally do interiors but mostly do covers. Makes it hard to pick them as favorite artist in any existing category but they clearly make a large impact on comics.drew102e wrote:Questions for Next Year's Yearly Comic Spotlight:
Add new categories?:
Best Cover Art or artist
Book Most Needing a Reboot/Relaunch/Retool
Comic Wildcard (something positive that stood out but doesn't fit elsewhere)
Keep or Remove these categories?:
Best Comic Related Website
Best Comic Podcast
Along the lines of cover artist, I also think a spot for inkers (I know there aren't that many left) and colorist would be a good idea. They each can have a very large impact on the books we read.
I also think the Wild Card (honorable mention) is a great idea.
I would also be in favor of Comics Podcast being removed. It is a tough category and one hates to not say Comic Book Page to John and Drew that do so much hard work. Compound that with the fact that one co-host and a regular contributor are also hosts of their own podcasts. Without blind ballots it just makes it a category that one is uncomfortable voting for, not wanting to offend anyone or appear unappreciative of the work John and Drew do.