Marvel Secret Wars vs DC: Convergence

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Marvel Secret Wars vs DC: Convergence

Post by the1captain »

Today Marvel revealed what next year's Secret Wars story is about. Different Marvel universes brought together to fight each other. Which is exactly what DC: Convergence is to be about. It's like they can't even bother trying something new anymore. I'm not bitter. Just been on the event roller coaster too many times over the years. Glad I'm focusing more and more on indies these days.
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Re: Marvel Secret Wars vs DC: Convergence

Post by JohnMayo »

This each passing event, it gets harder and harder to come up with something new. But, yeah, two similar events going on at DC and Marvel is unfortunate.
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Re: Marvel Secret Wars vs DC: Convergence

Post by the1captain »

I remember years ago seeing an interview with Darwyn Cooke. To paraphrase he basically said the problem with modern mainstream super hero books are that they are designed to only appeal to the nostalgia of 40 year old men. Harsh and over simplifying I know. But these events really feel like this.

It 's not that super heroes are past their prime. Far from it. One could argue they are having a huge resurgence in Pop culture. But it sometimes feels the most interesting and original like super hero stories are happening outside DC and Marvel. There are the odd exceptions. But when it comes to big events, they get less and less interesting.
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Re: Marvel Secret Wars vs DC: Convergence

Post by fudd71 »

the1captain wrote:I remember years ago seeing an interview with Darwyn Cooke. To paraphrase he basically said the problem with modern mainstream super hero books are that they are designed to only appeal to the nostalgia of 40 year old men.
I know its mean and over simple as well, but. Coming from a guy who has been making a living doing books designed to appeal to the crime noir nostalgia of 60 year old men I fine ironic.
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Re: Marvel Secret Wars vs DC: Convergence

Post by drew »

the1captain wrote:Today Marvel revealed what next year's Secret Wars story is about. Different Marvel universes brought together to fight each other. Which is exactly what DC: Convergence is to be about. It's like they can't even bother trying something new anymore. I'm not bitter. Just been on the event roller coaster too many times over the years. Glad I'm focusing more and more on indies these days.
Amen Brotha...and this copycat stuff has bled into the movie studio side, with dueling announcements and back and forth between Disney and Warner Bros..."oh you have a female led movie and a african-american led movie scheduled well so do we"
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