ctowner1 wrote:
Question: I don't have an ipad or anything like that - but is getting a pdf of a book very different from getting a digital copy? Is it that there are extra feature you have in a digital copy (like controlling if you view it page by page or 2 pages at once, and stuff like that)? Or is there more? If he's giving you a pdf, is that essentially 90% as good as a digital copy? Or a lot worse?
L nny
Executive Summary:
If you think $5 is a reasonable price to pay for this book on Comixology, then $5 for the PDF is probably just as reasonable.
A pdf
is a digital copy of the book.
I prefer PDF files to other digital formats of books (aside from .CBZ or .CBR). You can read PDFs on pretty much any platform, and they're generally not DRM'd in any way. This means you can back it up and be pretty sure you'll be able to read it for a long, long time to come. The main drawback is that PDF readers can be cumbersome applications, and the files can be
huge. However, the filesize is usually a result of the compression level of the internal images, so other forms of digital comics can be just as large.
Many PDF readers will allow you to zoom, view 1, 2, 4, or more pages at a time, bookmark your progress, etc.
There are numerous free PDF comic books out there
if you're still not convinced. Download a few, try them out, and determine if you like the format.
Here's one from Mark Waid that actually seems designed for PDF format and looks pretty good even in-browser:
http://markwaid.com/wp-content/uploads/ ... -Final.pdf
I was having difficulty locating a PDF comic book that wasn't obviously pirated, but Previews is available online:
http://www.mailordercomics.com/preview-catalogs/. That will give you a pretty good idea of how a no-frills PDF acts. Try it on a standalone PDF reader like the Adobe Reader that's probably installed on your computer right now. I wouldn't recommend viewing this in your browser.